Section 3: Lecture 1; Anatomy & physiology of voice production. Laryngeal Anatomy
Section 3: Lecture 1; Anatomy & physiology of voice production. Phonation Generation of a voiced sound Accomplished with the larynx (voice box) Voiceless sounds: open vocal folds Voiced sounds: closed vocal folds
Section 3: Lecture 1; Anatomy & physiology of voice production. Vocal Folds 5 layers of tissue (deep= muscle) Glottis= space between the vocal folds Subglottal= area below the vocal folds Located at the end of the airstream at superior end of trachea
Structural Support of the Larynx Section 3: Lecture 1; Anatomy & physiology of voice production. Structural Support of the Larynx Larynx is suspended in the neck by a single bone, the hyoid bone. There are 6 laryngeal cartilage's: 3 paired 3 unpaired provide structural support for the larynx.
Section 3: Lecture 1; Anatomy & physiology of voice production. Laryngeal Cartilage's Epiglottis: -shaped like a long leaf, -base attached to inner portion of anterior rim of the thyroid cartilage, -folds down over airway to protect during swallowing. -composed of elastic cartilage (does not ossify with age...must remain flexible).
Section 3: Lecture 1; Anatomy & physiology of voice production. Laryngeal Cartilage's Thyroid Cartilage: -angled saddle-shaped curve, -anterior attachment of true vocal folds, -posteriorly there are 2 superior cornu and 2 inferior cornu (articulate with cricoid cartilage), -composed of hyaline cartilage- does ossify & limit flexibility with age, -lateral walls are laminae attach to midline of notch.
Section 3: Lecture 1; Anatomy & physiology of voice production. Laryngeal Cartilage's Cricoid : -signet ring shaped, -2 sets of paired faces to allow connection (articulation) with other joints, -cricothyroid joint connects the cricoid to the inferior cornu of the thyroid cartilage.
Section 3: Lecture 1; Anatomy & physiology of voice production. Laryngeal Cartilage's Arytenoids: Pair of small cartilages shaped like pyramids Mounted opposite each other on the rim of the signet portion of the cricoid cartilage 2 motions: rotation gliding
Section 3: Lecture 1; Anatomy & physiology of voice production. Laryngeal Cartilage's Corniculate & Cuneiform Cartilage's: Corniculate: attached to superior tips of the arytenoid cartilage Cuneiform: embedded in the muscular complex superior to the corniculate Provide no clear function; may add to the stability to the abduction movement.
Section 3: Lecture 1; Anatomy & physiology of voice production. Laryngeal Cartilage's 3 Unpaired Cartilage's -Epiglottis -Thyroid -Cricoid
Section 3: Lecture 1; Anatomy & physiology of voice production. 3 Paired Cartilage's -Cuneiform -Corniculate -Arytenoid
Section 3: Lecture 1; Anatomy & physiology of voice production. Larynx & Trachea Tracheal Ring Hyoid Bone Thyroid Cartilage Cricoid Cartilage
Section 3: Lecture 1; Anatomy & physiology of voice production. Laryngeal Cartilages Thyroid Thyroid Notch Vocal Ligament Superior horn Stretched Cricoid Inferior horn
Section 3: Lecture 1; Anatomy & physiology of voice production. Arytenoid Movement Rock= Front sides tilt toward or away from each other Glide= Their back sides slide toward or away from each other Abduction= open vocal folds (caused by rocking & gliding) Adduction= closed vocal folds Arytenoids have 2 processes: Vocal process (vocal folds attach) Muscular process (muscle attachment)
Section 3: Lecture 1; Anatomy & physiology of voice production. Arytenoid Movement Rocking Gliding Adducted Abducted
Laryngeal Membranes & Ligaments Section 3: Lecture 1; Anatomy & physiology of voice production. Laryngeal Membranes & Ligaments Extrinsic Laryngeal Membranes: Connect the laryngeal cartilages with adjacent structures Hyothyroid membrane Paired lateral hyothyroid ligaments Hyoepiglottic ligament Cricotracheal membrane
Hyothyroid Membrane & Ligaments Section 3: Lecture 1; Anatomy & physiology of voice production. Hyothyroid Membrane & Ligaments Occupies space between the hyoid bone and superior border of the thyroid cartilage Membrane is thickened medially= Middle Hyothyroid Ligament Posteriorly between the superior thyroid horns the membrane is thickened= Lateral Hyothyroid Ligament
Hyoepiglottic Ligament Section 3: Lecture 1; Anatomy & physiology of voice production. Hyoepiglottic Ligament Unpaired, midline, elastic ligament extending from anterior surface of the epiglottis to the upper border of the hyoid bone
Cricotracheal Membrane Section 3: Lecture 1; Anatomy & physiology of voice production. Cricotracheal Membrane Connects the lower border of the cricoid cartilage with the upper border of the first tracheal ring More extensive then membrane attaching tracheal rings
Laryngeal Membranes & Ligaments Section 3: Lecture 1; Anatomy & physiology of voice production. Laryngeal Membranes & Ligaments Intrinsic Laryngeal Membranes: Interconnects the various laryngeal cartilages and helps regulate the extent & direction of their movement Conus Elasticus Quadrangle membrane Aryepiglottic folds Lateral cricothyroid membrane
Section 3: Lecture 1; Anatomy & physiology of voice production. Conus Elasticus Cavity below the vocal folds is funnel or cone-shaped Continuous sheet of membrane that connects the thyroid, cricoid and arytenoid cartilages with one another Divided into a medial cricothyroid ligament and two lateral cricothyroid membranes Extends from superior border of the arch and lamina of the cricoid cartilage to the upper limits of the true vocal folds
Quadrangular Membranes Section 3: Lecture 1; Anatomy & physiology of voice production. Quadrangular Membranes Arise from the lateral margins of the epiglottis and adjacent thyroid cartilage near the angle Fibers coarse posteriorly downward and attach to the corniculate cartilage's
Section 3: Lecture 1; Anatomy & physiology of voice production. Aryepiglottic Folds Superior margins of the quadrangular membranes Cuneiform cartilages embedded here Implicated in the mechanics of swallowing
Section 3: Lecture 1; Anatomy & physiology of voice production. Lateral Hyothyroid Ligament Epiglottis Middle Hyothyroid Ligament Hyothyroid Membrane Conus Elasticus Throid Lamina Membranes & Ligaments Cricotracheal Membrane Hyoepiglottic Ligament Arytenoid Cartilage Vocal ligament Conus Elasticus
Section 3: Lecture 1; Anatomy & physiology of voice production. Conus Elasticus T= Thyroid A= Arytenoid C A CE T C= Cricoid CE= Conus Elasticus
Quadrangular Membrane Section 3: Lecture 1; Anatomy & physiology of voice production. Quadrangular Membrane Heavy Lines= Aryepiglottic Folds & Quadrangualr Membrane
Section 3: Lecture 1; Anatomy & physiology of voice production. Reading/Assignments Seikel: Pgs. 164-182 Maue-Dickson: Pgs. 139-160