Matt Serlo, M.P.T. Jacksonville, FL. Golf Injuries Matt Serlo, M.P.T. Jacksonville, FL.
The Typical Golfer Competitive in nature Active and fitness-minded individuals Swings too hard Perceives golf as a passive sport Eager to improve
Causes of Injuries Limited Flexibility Decreased Strength Poor Posture Balance Inappropriate Warm-up Inconsistent Swing Swings Too Hard!!
Anatomy of Golf – Shoulder Gleno-humeral Joint Primary movers (pec, delt, lats) Stabilizers / RTC mm’s Motions include; Flexion – Extension ABDuction – ADDuction Horizontal ABD – ADD External – Internal Rotation Circumduction
Most Common Golfing Injuries Shoulder Rotator Cuff Tendinitis - irritation/ inflammation of the rotator cuff tendons in shoulder Rotator Cuff Strain/Tear - muscle or tendon in shoulder
Shoulder Injuries:Factors Lack of ROM/flexibility External rotation, horizontal adduction Thoracic posture Strength of Rotator Cuff Arthritic conditions Joint integrity hypo/hypermobility
Shoulder Motion Hor Add: 130 degrees (lead) ER: 100 degrees (back) Causes if limited -Steep swing -Elbow breakdown -Lateral slide -Improper grip
Anatomy of Golf – Forearm Ulna & Radius Flexor mm group Extensor mm group Deviators Motions include; Wrist-Finger Flexion – Extension Forearm Pronation – Supination Radial – Ulnar Deviation
Most Common Golfing Injuries Hand / Wrist DeQuervain’s Syndrome - tendinitis of the thumb extensors Hook of Hamate Fractures - small wrist bone on palmer side Ligament sprains Muscle/Tendon strains
Wrist and Hand Injuries Lack of Range of Motion Thumb extension or radial deviation Inappropriate grip too much or too little Trauma hitting the ground
Wrist Motion Back wrist extension: 70 degrees Front wrist radial deviation: 20 degrees Front thumb extension: 50 degrees If restricted: -unable to hold angle-club speed -square clubface
Most Common Golfing Injuries Elbow Lateral Elbow - tendinitis strain to lead arm at wrist extensor muscles Medial Elbow - stretch/sprain of back arm inside ligaments
Elbow injuries Improper grip Valgus Stress-trauma/repetition unnatural grip not allowing hands to move properly will cause stress at both wrist and elbow Valgus Stress-trauma/repetition Supination/Pronation
Anatomy of Golf – Thigh Femur and Patella Quads, HS, ADD, ABD Motions include; Flexion – Extension ABD – ADD Patellar Alignment
Most Common Golfing Injuries Knee Ligament damage - lead knee twist on follow-through with poor balance Cartilage damage - rotation & extension during follow-through Tendonitis: I.T. band
Knee Injuries:Causes Lack of range of motion Lack of stability in the knee -ACL (lead) -LCL (back) Quad strength-static/dynamic Proprioception Improper swing mechanics
Anatomy of Golf – Lower Leg Tibia, Fibula, Talus, Calcaneus, etc. Posterior mm’s (gastroc-soleus) Ant/Lateral mm’s (Ant Tib/Peroneal) Motions include; Flexion – Extension Inversion – Eversion Supination - Pronation
Ankle Ligament damage - Lead ankle twist on follow through Inflammation: Plantar Fascitis, Achilles Tendonitis
Ankle Injuries:Causes Lack of ROM/flexibility Improper swing mechanics Pronated or supinated feet Improper shoe wear Proprioception
Anatomy of Golf – Cervical Spine Seven Cervical Vertebrea Spinal muscles Motions Include; Flexion Extension Side Bend (L&R) Rotation (L&R)
Cervical Injuries:Causes Lack of sufficient ROM Trauma caused by improper swing mechanics Eye Dominance
Cervical Motion Optimal: 90 degrees If restricted: -Drop left shoulder -lateral tilt of head-lose of spinal angle -lateral shift of hips
Anatomy of Golf – Hip SI, Ilium, Femur Anterior mm’s Posterior mm’s Lateral mm’s & connective tissue Motions include; Flexion – Extension ABDuction – ADDuction External – Internal Rotation Circumduction
Most Common Golfing Injuries Hip Inflammation: Bursitis, Tendonitis-Lead leg. DJD.
Hip Injuries: Factors Lack of ROM/Flexibility Decreased Strength -rotators, abductors Poor Balance Poor Posture
Anatomy of Golf – Trunk Thoracic & Lumbar Spine, Ribs Anterior – Abdominals (3) Posterior – Paraspinals – Rotatory Motions include; Flexion – Extension Side Bending (L&R) Rotation (L&R)
Most Common Golfing Injuries Back Muscular strains/spasms - erector spinae muscle group Ligament sprains Vertebral disc damage/displacement -Herniated disc - disc protrudes out from back -Ruptured disc - disc nucleus ruptures
Back Injuries Improper Address position (not in neutral spine) Lack of ROM or flexibility Abdominal Integrity Proprioception Medical history
Spine Angles Primary: 40-45 degrees Secondary: 8-12 degrees Benefits of maintaining angles during swing: -minimize lateral movement -maintain correct swing path -maintain balance: COG within BOS -decreased stress on the body
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