Becoming All God Wants You To Be NCD Introduction Becoming All God Wants You To Be
Mark 4:26-29 The kingdom of God is like a man who scatters seed… the seed sprouts and grows … all by itself the soil produces grain … as soon as the grain is ripe he puts the sickle to it.
1 Corinthians 3:6 I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow.
Growing Healthy Churches God gives the growth “All by itself” Our responsibility: to create the growth environment
What is the Growth Environment in a Church? 1,000 churches 32 countries 18 languages 5 continents
8 Quality Characteristics Empowering Leadership
8 Quality Characteristics Empowering Leadership Gift-based Ministry
8 Quality Characteristics Empowering Leadership Gift-based Ministry Passionate Spirituality
8 Quality Characteristics Empowering Leadership Gift-based Ministry Passionate Spirituality Effective Structures
8 Quality Characteristics Empowering Leadership Gift-based Ministry Passionate Spirituality Effective Structures Inspiring Worship
8 Quality Characteristics Empowering Leadership Gift-based Ministry Passionate Spirituality Effective Structures Inspiring Worship Holistic Small Groups
8 Quality Characteristics Empowering Leadership Gift-based Ministry Passionate Spirituality Effective Structures Inspiring Worship Holistic Small Groups Need-oriented Outreach
8 Quality Characteristics Empowering Leadership Gift-based Ministry Passionate Spirituality Effective Structures Inspiring Worship Holistic Small Groups Need-oriented Outreach Loving Relationships
Developing the Qualities Regular survey of the 8 Quality Characteristics objective detailed
Developing the Qualities Regular survey of the 8 quality characteristics Positive action to improve the qualities (i.e. creating the environment for growth!) 3 bullet points for action
Developing the Qualities Regular survey of the 8 quality characteristics Positive action to improve the qualities (i.e. creating the environment for growth!) Mentors working to support the process
The Role of the Mentor
The Role of the Mentor
Ephesian 4:16 From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.