Spanish Grade 9 Mallie Culpepper Click to Go to Main Menu
The Months (Los Meses) January / enero February / febrero March / marzo April / abril May / mayo June / junio July / julio August /augusto September / septiembre October / octubre November / noviembreDecember / diciembre Click on the picture or the text to learn about that month! Click to take Quiz
January How do you say Janaury in Spanish? – ¿Cómo se dice January en español? enero Notice that months are not capitalized in Spanish Fun Fact (Divertido Hecho): In Spanish Cultures they celebrate the Three Kings Day (Dias de Reyes) on January 6 th. Click to Return to Main Menu Click to hear pronunciation
February ¿Cómo se dice February? febrero Fun Fact (Divertido Hecho): February 27 th is the Dominican Republic Independence Day. It also marks the first day of the Dominican Carnival. Click to Return to Main Menu Click to hear pronunciation
March ¿Cómo se dice March? marzo Fun Fact (Divertido Hecho): March 22 is Emancipation Day in Puerto Rico. Slaves in Puerto Rico were freed on this date in Click to Return to Main Menu Click to hear pronunciation
April ¿Cómo se dice April? abril Fun Fact (Divertido Hecho): April 11 is the Battle of Rivas Day in Costa Rica. It is the anniversary of victory over Confederate invaders in Click to Return to Main Menu Click to hear pronunciation
May ¿Cómo se dice May? mayo Fun Fact (Divertido Hecho): Cinco de Mayo in México commemorates the victory of Mexican forces over the French army at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, Click to Return to Main Menu Click to hear pronunciation
June ¿Cómo se dice June? junio Fun Fact (Divertido Hecho): On June 24 there is the Feast of San Juan Bautista, or St. John the Baptist, patron saint of Puerto Rico’s capital, San Juan. Other Latinos celebrate the day as el Día de San Pedro. Click to Return to Main Menu Click to hear pronunciation
July ¿Cómo se dice July? julio Fun Fact (Divertido Hecho): Not only is the US independence day in July, but so is Peru’s, Colombia’s, Venezula’s, and Argentina’s. Venezula ColombiaPeru US Argentina Click to Return to Main Menu Click to hear pronunciation
August ¿Cómo se dice August? augusto Fun Fact (Divertido Hecho): On Aug 7 there was the Battle of Boyacá in Colombia which is a public holiday celebrating the anniversary of the defeat of the Spanish in 1819 in the province of Boyacá. Click to Return to Main Menu Click to hear pronunciation
September ¿Cómo se dice September? septiembre Fun Fact (Divertido Hecho): Chile, Belize, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Mexico all have their Independence Day in September. Click to Return to Main Menu Click to hear pronunciation
October ¿Cómo se dice October? octubre Fun Fact (Divertido Hecho): Oct 12 is the National Spanish Day, also known as Día de la Hispanidad. In most of the Spanish speaking countries it is celebrated as Dia de la Raza, Columbus Day, or Panamerican Day. Click to Return to Main Menu Click to hear pronunciation
November ¿Cómo se dice November? noviembre Fun Fact (Divertido Hecho): Nov 1 & 2 Día de los Muertos or Day of the Dead. Traditionally, it is a day to celebrate and honor one’s ancestors. It’s based on the belief that there is interaction between the living world and the world of spirits. On the Día de los Muertos, the almas, or the spirits of the dead, are said to come back for family reunions. Many celebrate setting up ofrendas (altars) in their homes to honor the memory of deceased loved ones and to welcome their visiting souls. Others visit their loved one’s cemetery plot and decorate it with flowers, candles and food. The holiday is celebrated with family and community gatherings, music, and feasting, and the festivity of its observance acknowledges death as an integral part or life. Click to Return to Main Menu Click to hear pronunciation
December ¿Cómo se dice December? diciembre Fun Fact (Divertido Hecho): Dec 24 & 25 is La Nochebuena y la Navidad, Christmas Eve and Christmas. In many Catholic countries, people attend midnight mass on Christmas Eve. Click to Return to Main Menu Click to hear pronunciation
Quiz Question Which month is marzo? A.) May B.) March C.) April
A.) May Almost! May is mayo Try Again! Return to Quiz
B.) March CORRECT! GREAT JOB! Click to Continue
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C.) April Not Quite.. April is abril Try Again! Return to Quiz