In Depth: Autopsy Videoconference An Introduction & Pre-Visit Activities
Videoconference Details Date: Wed, April 4 th, 2007 Time: 10:45 am – 12:40 pm Place: Library
Introduction to Videoconference Along with students from 4 other schools, you will be: – Viewing a video of an autopsy recorded at The Ohio State University Hospital Autopsy Services – Hearing live commentary with Dr. Larry R. Tate, retired Forensic Pathologist
During the Videoconference You will be called upon to ask or answer questions from Dr. Tate – Dr. Tate will rotate through the schools. Be aware of the rotation pattern. Our school will always follow the same school. – Be at the microphone ready to speak when our school’s turn comes. – Speak loudly and clearly (directly) into the microphone.
Things to bring to the Videoconference Student guide to autopsy Vocabulary list Pencil to take notes Questions to ask forensic pathologist
Overall Goal of Autopsy Program Students are to determine the cause of death How? – Complete pre-activities: Pathology Autopsy Plan – Autopsy Organ measurements – Complete post-activities: Toxicology Histology Autopsy Report Forensic Pathology: External Findings
Pathology Activity You will distinguish between healthy and unhealthy organs You will make observations about physical characteristics of the organs – Texture – Colour – Size
Autopsy Plan You will develop an autopsy plan in accordance with the family wishes and based on the medical history and case information You will compare your plan to the pathologist’s plan during the videoconference
Videoconference 15 min: Dr. Tate will begin by: – Discussing the student autopsy plans that have been submitted – Giving the results of the external exam of the deceased 1 hour: Students will be: – Watching entire autopsy from external exam to examination of brain – Taking notes throughout entire autopsy – Listening to interviews from various professions associated with autopsies 15 min: Student questions – Student questions will be answered in a round-robin fashion. – Please prepare at least 3 questions in advance. You may also ask questions based on what you’ve seen in the autopsy – Dr. Tate will guide you towards a determination of cause of death, but he will not directly answer this question.
Case History
Autopsy Room
What is an Autopsy? A systematic external and internal examination of a dead body to determine if any abnormalities are present 2 main methods: – Virchow Method – remove and examine organs one at a time – Rokitansky Method – remove organs (heart, liver, kidneys, urinary bladder, prostate gland, etc.) at one block, separate and then dissect each organ Prosector (person performing autopsy) will: – Make a Y-incision from the chest to the abdomen to examine heart, lungs and abdominal organs – Use a Stryker saw which has a vibrating blade to cut through the bone, without damaging any surrounding soft tissue Be mentally, emotionally and physically prepared to see somewhat graphic images during autopsy – Next 4 slides are photographs from various autopsies
Y-Incision First step to open the body cavity
Rokitansky Method Organs removed as single block Organs will then be separated Each organ will be dissected
Intermastoid Incision Made from behind each ear across the top of the head Allows examination of brain
Removal of the Brain
Class Activity Working in groups of 4 – 5, research one of the following areas: Pathology: Heart (slides ) Pathology: Coronary artery (slides 22 – 24) Pathology: Brain (slides 25 – 27) Pathology: Lungs (slides 28 – 30) Pathology: Kidneys (slides 31 – 33) Autopsy plan Pathology Groups Each group has a copy of the student sheet with questions that must be answered. Use the appropriate PowerPoint slides that follow as resources (contains images of organs and websites) Only study the diseases indicated on the PowerPoint slides Develop a 5 – 10 minute PowerPoint presentation based on the information you have collected. All presentations must include images of normal and healthy organs as well as diseased organs so that students have pints of comparison while watching the autopsy. Prepare a list of new vocabulary from your area of research Autopsy Plan Group Follow procedure on Student sheet Create an outline for a general autopsy Develop criteria to decide which parts of body need to be examined during autopsy Review patient case history. Discuss and make notes about organs that you think might have abnormalities Revise autopsy outline to reflect how this patient should be examined. Discuss safety procedures.
Normal Heart Images: Heart: Cross section of a heart: Whole normal heart: Information on heart anatomy and physiology: Gray ’ s Anatomy – Heart: Anatomy of the Human Heart: How Stuff Works:
Acute Myocardial Infarction Heart Cross Section Light- colored tissue indicates a myocardial infarction Normal fatty tissue Dark area shows beginning of healing – increased blood supply
Old Myocardial Infarctions Scar tissue from an infarct at least two weeks old.
Myocardial Infarction Images: Myocardial infarction: Infarction as shown on a cross section of a heart (tan=infarction): Infarction in the left ventricular wall of the heart: Information on myocardial infarctions: Medline Plus Medical Encyclopedia:
Normal Coronary Artery Images: Coronary artery: Microscopic image of a cross section of a coronary artery: Information on coronary artery anatomy and physiology: Cleveland Clinic Heart Center: Cardiovascular Consultants:
Coronary Artery Thrombosis Thrombosis or blood clot Atheroscleros is or build up of artery wall
Coronary Artery Disease or Atherosclerosis Images: Coronary artery disease: Microscopic cross section of narrowed coronary artery: Gross cross section of atherosclerotic coronary artery: Information on coronary artery disease: Medline Plus Medical Encyclopedia: How Stuff Works: - Atherosclerosis - Coronary bypass surgery - Coronary artery blockage
Normal Brain Images: Brain cross sections: Horizontal through the top of the skull: Horizontal through the midbrain: Information on brain anatomy and physiology: Gray ’ s Anatomy – Brain: How Stuff Works:
Brain Stroke Hemorrhage Brain Cross Section (Vertical)
Brain Stroke Images: Brain stroke: Stroke shown on a vertical cross section of a brain: Information on brain strokes: Medline Plus Medical Encyclopedia: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke:
Normal Lungs Images: Lung: Lung cross section: Normal lungs and heart: Information on lung anatomy and physiology: Gray ’ s Anatomy – Lungs: The Candian Lung Association:
Cancerous Lung
Lung Cancer Images: Lung cancer: Gross cross section: Multiple masses: Quit Smoking Support (multiple types of diseased lungs pictured): Information on lung cancer: Medline Plus Medical Encyclopedia: American Lung Association:
Normal Kidney Images: Kidney cross section: HTML/RENAL116.html Information on kidney anatomy and physiology: Gray ’ s Anatomy – Kidneys National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse: pubs/yourkidneys/
Renal Cell Carcinoma Kidney Tumor
Renal Cell Carcinoma Images: Renal Cell Carcinoma: Gross cross section of a carcinoma: Kidney with very large carcinoma: Information on Renal Cell Carcinoma: Medline Plus Medical Encyclopedia: Ellis Fischel Cancer Center: