6150 Management of Information Systems and Technology Class 10 Course Summary Asper School of Business - MBA Program 6150 Management of Information Systems & Technology April-June 2009 Instructor: Bob Travica Updated June 2008
Types of Information systems studied Communication ( , bulletin boards, instant messaging, video conferencing, VoIP) Communication ( , bulletin boards, instant messaging, video conferencing, VoIP) Group Support (decision making, workflow, file sharing, etc.) Group Support (decision making, workflow, file sharing, etc.) Decision Making (TPS/Reporting Systems, DSS, ESS, ERP Decision Making (TPS/Reporting Systems, DSS, ESS, ERP with data Warehouse cubing) Data & information management (database systems, ERP) Data & information management (database systems, ERP) Knowledge management (Data Mining, Expert System, Case- Knowledge management (Data Mining, Expert System, Case- Based System, CAD, document management systems) Based System, CAD, document management systems) E-commerce (Websites, e-exchanges, EDI)Sum: ~20 E-commerce (Websites, e-exchanges, EDI)Sum: ~20 2 of Management of Information Systems and Technology
Methods used Lecturing Lecturing Class discussion Class discussion Team work (class, presentation) Team work (class, presentation) Class exercises Class exercises 3 of Management of Information Systems and Technology
Information sources Textbook Textbook Teaching cases (Ivey, Harvard) Teaching cases (Ivey, Harvard) Professional experience Professional experience Additional materials Additional materials 4 of Management of Information Systems and Technology
Knowledge Goals Accomplishment DefinitionsKey concept in own words.Yes TaxonomiesCategories of ISYes TheoryUnderstanding theories, models, frameworks, or cause-effect relationships. A bit Practice Descriptions Memorizing stories (cases) illustrating pros/cons of IS solutions.Yes ExperienceExamples and stories from practice.Yes Procedures (How-to-do) The driving analytical model used throughout the course. (Readings, discussion, all assignments) Yes AnalysisBeing able to dissect the case using the analytical model; analyzing the relationship between IS and different organizational aspects (economy, organization of work, culture, structure, politics). Yes SynthesizingBeing able to use all of the above to create a persuasive argument related to IS. (Paper) Yes 6150 Management of Information Systems and Technology5 of 7
Key Messages There are many IS that can help organizations accomplish operational and strategic goals. The same IS type may serve different purposes. There are many IS that can help organizations accomplish operational and strategic goals. The same IS type may serve different purposes. Relationship between IS and organization is complex, not “plug-and-play.” Keep IT hype (“silver-bullet”) at bay. It’s about management not magic! Relationship between IS and organization is complex, not “plug-and-play.” Keep IT hype (“silver-bullet”) at bay. It’s about management not magic! IS/IT management is about understanding both organization and IT/IS and then trying to identify optimal fit. IS/IT management is about understanding both organization and IT/IS and then trying to identify optimal fit. Think task/process, information needs, goals first, then IT/IS. Think task/process, information needs, goals first, then IT/IS. 6 of Management of Information Systems and Technology
Think of the whole picture. Think of the whole picture. Business people: Engage technologists in dialogue – learn about technology and educate a bout business… Business people: Engage technologists in dialogue – learn about technology and educate a bout business… Technologists: Engage business people in dialogue – learn about business and educate about technology… Technologists: Engage business people in dialogue – learn about business and educate about technology… Note that both knowledge & ignorance is on both sides. Note that both knowledge & ignorance is on both sides. 7 of Management of Information Systems and Technology