Copernicus Challenges Ancient Astronomy Published Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres Proposed a Heliocentric model of the universe Tycho Brahe Provided evidence supporting Copernicus Studied the night sky watching the movement of the heavenly bodies After his death his assistant Johannes Kepler used Brahe’s research to calculate the orbits of the planets
Dutch Invent a device used to spot ship on the horizon Galileo points it to the sky Discovered mountains on the moon Builds larger telescope and observes moons of Jupiter orbiting Finding contradicted the ancient views of the world was condemned by the church
Tried by the Inquisition Ordered to spent the rest of his life in prison Made to recant his findings and say the Earth is stationary Muttered under his breath “and yet it moves”
Despite the opposition of the church during the 1600 a new way to approach science emerged During the Renaissance the works of Plato are rediscovered Plato taught that Man should look beyond the simple explanation to learn natures truths Helped shape the view of the world
Scientific Method is used as a process of discovery Requires scientist to collect data and explain the data using a hypothesis Francis Bacon – stressed experimentation and observation Rene Descartes – emphasized human reasoning
Made efforts to study the human body Was thought against to Church to dissect a human so until this point had to dissect animals
Published On the Structure of the human body First accurate detailed study of the human body Believed in using what ever means necessary to increase knowledge Used influence to be invited to Autopsies
Developed an effective ointment for treating infections Invented new surgical techniques Introduced the use of artificial limbs
William Harvey – how the heart works Anton von Leeuwenhoek – Microscope Became the first to see human cells