Student Engagement in the ELA Classroom
2 Welcome Introduce yourselves: name, school, role Discuss: What do the following groups of people need to do to ensure that the CCSS are implemented with fidelity: Teachers NTI Members/Coaches Principals Others
3 Live NTI We will be live tweeting throughout the week! Follow us: Join in the fun and use this hashtag: #NTIny
4 Purpose of this Session Participants will be able to… Identify behaviors that teachers and students exhibit in an engaged ELA classroom Develop a shared language around student engagement in their buildings using the NY State Teaching Standards and a framework for change
5 What is Student Engagement in the ELA classroom? Using the 4 A’s Protocol Choose a facilitator and a timekeeper. Read the article and visual silently (8 minutes) Conduct a discussion, using the 4 A’s protocol (8 minutes) Discuss: “What does this mean for our work with teachers and students as we think about student engagement in the ELA classroom?” (3 minutes) Share out with the whole group. (3 minutes)
Tools for Measuring Engagement NYS Teaching Standards and Elements Instructional Practice Guide Student engagement doesn’t just happen organically It is the result of intentional, purposeful planning that is manifested in specific teacher and student behaviors 6
A Crosswalk of the Tools Focus on standards 2 and 3 and core actions 2 and 3 as you annotate the tools. Do a crosswalk of the two tools as you look for commonalities and themes between the two. What does a classroom aligned to these tools look like? 7
Instructional Practice Guide: Student and Teacher Behaviors Using 1 piece of chart paper for Core Action 2 and 1 for Core Action 3, write the Core Action at the top of the chart. As you dissect the Indicators write Indicator A, B, C, etc… (saving room for all indicators). Below each indicator, list 2-3 student and teacher behaviors associated with each element (what does this look like in the classroom? Gallery walk Note similarities among charts STAR concepts which resonate with you Write questions and comments to share on post it notes 8
Tools for Looking for Student Engagement Take a few minutes and jot down how you could use these tools during instructional rounds? Turn and talk Share out 9
Making the Switch to Student Engagement What is the ratio of time you spend solving problems vs. the amount of time you spend replicating success? The goal is to find the bright spots in and build on them How can we change entrenched behaviors and get teachers focusing on student directed discussion vs. “sage on the stage” discussion? 10
How to Make a Switch Direct the Rider Follow the bright spots Script the critical moves Point to the destination Motivate the Elephant Find the feeling Shrink the change Grow your people Shape the Path Tweak the environment Build habits Rally the herd 11
Switch in Action Group 1: Motivate the Elephant (pgs ) Group 2: Direct the Rider (pgs ) Group 3: Shape the Path (pgs ) Groups share out in jigsaw fashion 12
Student Engagement Bright Spots What’s working right now? Identify bright spots: who can you leverage in your buildings who is already doing this? How can they influence others? How can you direct the rider and show him where he needs to go (stop the wheels from spinning and promote action?) 13
Using the Tools for Student Engagement Look at the two example classrooms from your homework: Determine on which areas to focus by thinking back to the work you did as you cross-walked the NY Teaching Standards and the Instructional Practice Guide. Where would you focus support for each teacher? Use the switch framework, as well as language from the NY Teaching Standards and the Instructional Practice Guide, create a plan (on the template in your participant guide) for each teacher. All ELA teachers: Who is essential is helping to get this work done? How will you get this change moving? 14
15 Discussion and Reflection Thinking about the bright spots in your buildings around student engagement, how will your plan leverage these teachers to create more engaged classrooms?
16 Q & A
Pulse Check network-team-institute-materials- october