Edmund Kemper The Co-Ed Killer
Back Ground. Born December 18,1948 in Burbank California. As a child he was extremely bright but cruel to animals. He fatally stabbed a pet cat at age 13. He also acted out very bizarre sexual rituals with his sister’s dolls. Kemper was very close to his father and was devastated when his parent got a divorce in 1957.
Background Kemper was forced to live with his mother. He had a horrible relationship with her because she was an alcoholic and would verbally abuse and be-little kemper. Kemper’s mother made him sleep in the basement at times because she was afraid that Kemper would rape his little sister. She is alleged to have had borderline personality disorder. He was also not close with his sister, he recalled her pushing him into the deep end of the pool nearly drowning him, and almost pushing him out infront of a train.
Background In 1963 Kemper ran away to find his father in Van Nuys California. Kemper stayed there for a short while but was forced to leave later. Kemper’s mother refused to let him move back in with he so instead he was sent to live with his paternal grandparents. Kemper was fond of his grandfather but hated his grandmother who he said would emasculate him.
First Murders On August 27, 1964 Kemper’s grandmother was sitting at the kitchen table when Kemper shot her in the head. It is reported that he also stabbed her afterwards. When asked by police why he had killed her he said that he just wanted to see what it felt like to kill grandma. When Kemper’s grandfather returned from the grocery store Kemper shot him and killed him in the driveway because he feared his grandpa would be angry at him. Kemper then called his mother who urged him to turn himself in.
First Murders At age 15 Kemper was committed to the Atascadero State Hospital. There he befriended his psychologist. Kemper was released after serving 5 years. He had tested with an I.Q. of 145 Also he was 6 foot 9 inches the time of his release and nearly 300lbs.
Later Murders Kemper went on a spree of 6 murders between May 1972 and February 1973. He killed 6 female hitchhikers. He would take his victims to isolated areas. Then he would kill them by: shooting, stabbing, or smothering them. After killing his victims he would take them back to his apartment and have sex with their bodies and severed heads. He would then dissect the bodies and throw the bodies in ravines and isolated areas.
Later Murders The victims were: Mary Anne Pesce Age 18 Anita Luchessa Age 18 Aiko Koo Age 15 Cindy Schall Age Age 19 Rosalind Thorpe Age 24 Alice Liu Age 23
Final Murders On April 23rd 1973 Edmund Kemper was waiting for his mother to get home. She got home after a party and went up to her bedroom. Kemper entered her room and beat her to death with a claw hammer. He then decapitated her and used her head for oral sex and as a dartboard. He also cut out her vocal cord. He then invited his mother’s friend sally hallet age 59 over.
Final Murders When Hallet arrive Kemper strangled her to death and fled the crime scene. After not seeing anything on the news about his murders he turned himself in to the police.
Sentencing At his trial he pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity. In November 1973 he was found guilty on 8 counts of murder. Asked for the death penalty but received life imprisonment without the chance of parole. Parole is the conditional release of a person from prison prior to the end of the maximum sentence imposed. Today Kemper is among the general prison population at California Medical Facility in Vacaville California.
Famous Quote “Even when she was dead, she was still bitching at me. I couldn’t get her to shut up!”
My Theory. I believe the crimes committed by Edmund Kemper would fall under the differential-Association theory. The Differential-Association theory says that people’s behavior is largely influenced by the company they keep. Edmund was raised in a hostile violent home. His parents got divorced with devastated him. Also he experienced violence from his family members. Edmund’s sister almost drowned him at young age. She also almost pushed him out infront of a train. His mother also contributed to this violent environment. She was an alcoholic with borderline personality disorder who constantly abused him mentally and physically. Edmund was constantly in this hostile environment and quickly picked up on it himself. At age 13 he had already started showing violence b stabbing his pet cat. Also Edmund was awkward and didn’t have many friends so he was mostly around his family. The Differential-Association theory best describe why Edmund Kemper committed the crimes he did because the violence of his family members and the hostility of his environment rubbed off on him.
Cultural References A biography episode was made for him. A movie called “Kemper.” Songs: “Edmond Kemper had a Horrible Temper.” –Macabre “Fortress/Outer Space/Forever.” –System of a Down “Killifornia (Edmund Kemper lll) –Church of misery “Urge to Kill”-Throbbing Gristle. “Forever”- The Berzerker “Severed Head”- Suicide Commando “Temper Temper Mr. Kemper.” –The Celibate Riflles.