L EONARDO D A V INCI His science and invention
L EONARDO ’ S L IFE In the Hamlet of Anchiano, a place near Vinci in the region of Florence Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci was born He was an inquisitive and intellectual child from birth His father was like a lawyer for the upper-class His mother a peasant at birth and remarried later
H IS UPBRINGING AND HOW IT AFFECTED HIM Because he was born an illegitimate he was r estricted to many profession He wasn’t allowed to learn Greek or Latin which all the books at that time were written in but he turned it to his advantage He grew up in the countryside which allowed him to explore nature in many ways His childhood obsessions would later lead him to some of the greatest inventions
H IS PATH TO POWER He moved to with his father when he was bout 15 to the country His uncle had a painting studio and when Leonardo showed talent he became an apprentice He later traveled to Milan after his apprenticeship He approached the duke with some of his creations and started as a party planner and slowly climbed the ladder.
S CIENCE AND I NVENTIONS He worked for the duke and was given the resources he needed He has invented and sketched many scientific inventions that were only discovered centuries after He was obsessed with flight and exploring the unknown He sketched designs for flying machines like the glider
S CIENCE AND I NVENTIONS 1502: Leonardo drew a map of Ceasare Borgia’s town, the powerful leader was in a state of shock At that time it felt like holding a piece of land in your palm at that time they were basically unheard of Leonardo also designed the first robot!! He designed gruesome weapons of war
B IOLOGY FOR L EONARDO The Vitruvian man is a biological dream for every anatomist, his proportions were spot on. The name comes from a man called Vitruvius a roman architect, justified the fact that the human body fits in a square and circle He had an interest with the female body he was the first person to dissect a women.