A powerful aspect of learning Creating graphic representations for information Generating mental pictures to go along with information Average effect size for this instructional strategy is.75 Explicitly engaging students in creation of nonlinguistic representations stimulates and increases activity in brain Duong-BinhDoKLPMSpring2011
Two generalizations that can guide teachers in this strategy: 1. A variety of activities produce non-linguistic representations. Graphic organizers: concept map, T-chart, process/cause-effect organizer Making physical model: concrete representation such as the molecule model in organic chemistry, making a simple circuit, dissect cat’s anatomy… Generating mental pictures: simply construct a mental picture of knowledge being learned. Example: Learn the formula F = ma, construct in the mind that to push a heavy cart, it would take more force than a lighter one. Duong-BinhDoKLPMSpring2011
Engaging in Kinesthetic activity: involve physical movement. -Hands on experiments. Drawing picture and pictograph 2. Nonlinguistic representations should elaborate on knowledge. -Adding to knowledge -Relate/ apply knowledge in to practical problem/situation. Duong-BinhDoKLPMSpring2011