Main Verbs are verbs that are strong enough they do not need any help in a sentence and can either be… Action Linking OR
Wait! Why did that woman turn green? She must be a ZOMBIE!
Zombie Grammar Fact: Zombies are a very real danger to society. Fact: The only 100% fool-proof method to survive a zombie apocalypse is to practice proper grammar! Here is my field guide to surviving the zombie grammar apocalypse.
As the name suggests, this type of verb will LINK multiple words together, like a chain. Complex situations and tasks require more than basic grammar skills to ensure survival. Sometimes you'll need to use LINKING verbs to fill your sentences with rich details that will stun zombie hordes. Let's look at a LINKING verb specimen in the field.
Specimen 146: Zombies are hungry. Let's look at a LINKING verb specimen in the field. Specimen 146: Zombies are hungry.
[SUBJECT]+[___]+[____] First, let's dissect the specimen to make it easier to take notes. Pull out your survival "knife" -a.k.a. writing utensil. Specimen 146: [The zombies]+[are]+[hungry]. In this specimen above, the LINKING verb is not something the SUBJECT can perform. What's the SUBJECT? What or who is the sentence describing? [SUBJECT]+[___]+[____] In this specimen, the LINKING verb is connecting the SUBJECT to an ADJECTIVE - the word that describes the subject's current status. [SUBJECT]+[___]+[ADJECTIVE]
In order to prepare for the zombie invasion you will need to know all 19 Linking Verbs. Use your survival knife to carve down these life saving verbs. But BEWARE! Some of these linking verbs can be used as counter attack weapons by the zombies when they try to confuse you by also being action verbs from time to time. Be careful out there! BE AM IS Are WAS WERE BEEN BEING BECOME FEEL GROW APPEAR stay LOOK SEEM REMAIN SOUND TASTE TURN
Dissect LINKING verbs out of the following wild specimens: Specimen 223: The students seem surrounded. Specimen 678: The zombies became enraged. Specimen 876: The teachers were fearless! Specimen 312: The class remains safe.
Here is your secret weapon: If you think a main verb is a linking verb but aren’t quite sure, replace it with is, am, or are and if the sentence makes sense, then you have a linking verb and can beat a zombie!
Build your own arsenal and use a LINKING verb and creative ADJECTIVE: Specimen 146e: [The zombies]+[__________]+[__________]. Specimen 146f: [The zombies]+[__________]+[__________]. Specimen 146g: [The zombies]+[__________]+[__________]. Specimen 146h: [The zombies]+[__________]+[__________].