Division of Student Affairs Office of Research and Assessment The Accreditation Assessment Model August 20, 2008
Overview of the Model Mission Statement Articulating Refined Student Learning Outcomes (SLO’s) Formalizing an Assessment Plan Engagement of the Assessment Plan
Stage 1: Mission Statement Assure Consistency with University and Division Mission Statements Dissect Mission Statement to Identify Individual Elements List Programs, Services, Interventions, and other Activities that Complement Individual Elements of the Mission Statement
Stage 1: Mission Statement (con’t) List Existing SLO’s Articulate New SLO’s to Assure Complete Coverage of Mission Statement Elements Inventory Current Assessment Activities and Assure Complete Coverage of the Basic Assessment Cycle Develop New Assessment Activities to Assure Complete Coverage of Articulated SLO’s
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) What do you want to happen as a result of ______________? How does what you want to happen “map” to broader desired learning outcomes? Is the SLO measureable? Where does the measureable aspect of the SLO “fit” in the assessment typology?
Assessment Cycle Articulate SLO’s Design programs, interventions, and supports that increase the probability that desired learning outcomes occur Design Assessment Methods to Measure SLO’s Collect Data Compile and Analyze Data Write a Report of Findings Disseminate Findings to the Broad Community Modify Programs, Interventions, Supports, and Other Services based on Assessment Findings Re-assess Modified Programs, Services, Interventions and Other Services
Stage 2: Refining SLO’s Subject Current and Proposed SLO’s to professional scrutiny to Assure Consistency with Source Documents, Established Theory, Best Practices, or Models Examples of above: CAS, UniLOA, FALDO’s, Valid and Reliable Theory-based practice, benchmarks