A metal formed by mixing two other metals or by combining a metal and a nonmetal. ALLOY
Capable of floating in a liquid Not easily depressed; cheerful buoyancy (noun) BUOYANT
Related to the sky or heavens Heavenly or divine CELESTIAL
To change from a liquid to a solid or nearly a solid mass COAGULATE
Capable of catching fire;inflammable Easily excited; quick to anger combustion (noun) COMBUSTIBLE
A large destructive fire CONFLAGRATION
Cutting something apart to examine A detailed analysis or examination dissect (verb) DISSECTION
To treat or purify a liquid by heating it until it forms a vapor and then cooling it so that it returns to liquid form. distillation (noun) DISTILL
The science of dealing with atmospheric conditions, especially weather. meteorological (adj.) meteorologist (noun) METEOROLOGY
To caused to be thoroughly soaked; fill to capacity. saturated (adj.) saturation (noun) SATURATE