3 rd Quarter 2011. The focus for this quarter’s SAT tips will be dissecting words. You will learning all about Greek and Roman prefixes, suffixes, and.


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Presentation transcript:

3 rd Quarter 2011

The focus for this quarter’s SAT tips will be dissecting words. You will learning all about Greek and Roman prefixes, suffixes, and roots. Once you understand how to dissect a word, then you can figure out what a word means without a dictionary.

Mon. 1/10 Phobia – fear, dislike, aversion This is a root and will always mean the fear of something.

Tues. 1/11 Acro – means height Therefore acrophobia means the fear of heights

Wed. 1/12 Auto – this is from the Latin word that means self Autophobia means the fear of being alone or the fear of loneliness.

Thurs. 1/13 Hydro – means water therefore… Hydrophobia is the fear of water

Fri. 1/14 Mono – is one Monophobia is the fear of being alone

Tues. 1/18 Photo – this word actually means light Photophobia morbid aversion to light

Wed. 1/19 Any time you see the root phil you need to know that it means loving or to be fond of something.

Thurs. 1/20 Philanthropist is a person who loves people/mankind FYI- anytime you see the suffix –ist it is always a person

Fri. 1/21 The root voc means “call.” The word vocation literally means “a calling to something (usually the ministry).

Mon. 1/24 Vocabulary literally means a calling or collections of words together

Tues. 1/25 Equivocate means to speak about both side of an issue (equi- = equal).

Wed. 1/26 The root cata means with. For example, a catalog (-log is word) is a list with words

Thurs. 1/27 Counter is not only something you find in the kitchen. The root means “against” or “opposite.” Countermand means to go against orders or do the opposite of what you have been ordered to do.

Fri. 1/28 The word fluid can have several meanings: any liquid substance, not fixed in one place/always changing, a smooth or easy style, and finally easily changed to cash. Fluid comes from the root flu which means “flow” or “blow.”

Mon. 1/31 The word affluent literally means flowing with wealth.

Tues. 2/1 Crudus is the Latin root meaning “raw” and “rough.” It implies something is not finished or refined. It can also imply that something is made quickly, hastily, with little or no care towards quality.

Wed. 2/2 Someone who is crude literally means unrefined in manners.

Thurs. 2/3 Dict is the Latin term meaning “to speak.” When you dictate a letter, you are speaking out loud to someone and they are writing it down for you.

Fri. 2/4 Contradict (contra = against) means you are speaking against something else; an opposing view.

Mon. 2/7 Remember any time you see the prefix bene you know something good is about to happen. Therefore, benediction is to speak well about someone or to give a blessing.

Tues. 2/8 Turb is a violent root: to throw into disorder. So if you see the word perturb, it means that you are throwing someone into disorder; you are getting them upset or alarmed.

Wed. 2/9 Most people are comfortable with air. However, aero means “air” as well. That is why it is aeronautics (the science that deals with anything with airplanes/space).

Thurs. 2/10 Do not confuse manga with magna. Magna means “great” or “highest.” If you graduate magna cum laude that means you have graduated with the highest praises/grades.

Fri. 2/11 Animus should sound familiar. It means “spirit” or alive. If you are animated then you are full of spirit or life.

Mon. 2/14 When you combine the two roots magnanimous you have someone who is grand, lofty, or courageous in spirit.

Tues. 2/15 Ped and pod should sound familiar. Both mean “foot/feet.” A podiatrist is a foot doctor.

Wed. 2/16 If you are a pedestrian, you are person who is walking on your feet.

Thurs. 2/17 Grat simply means “pleasing” or “grace.” If you are grateful then you are pleased about something.

Tues. 2/22 Gratis means you are getting something for free. In other words, you have been given grace and do not need to repay what you owe.

Wed. 2/23 Gen simply means “race” and “kind” and comes from Greek. So gender describes which kind of sex you are.

Thurs. 2/24 Doc isn’t just slang for doctor. The root means “to teach.” For example, doctrine is something that is taught as a chief principle or belief.

Fri. 2/25 Clar is Latin and means “clear.” When you clarify