Anatomy Class Projects are on the Cutting Edge
Anatomy class is a place where we really do have a skeleton in the closet.
Brain Dissection Performed by ambitious students.
Scoping it Out
Some work is done on live animals with care taken to not endanger the animal
Anatomy students learn about the origin of stem cells that produce blood.
Maybe if we look at it long enough it will dissect itself…
Careful teamwork makes a big dissection more enjoyable when its broken down to bite – sized pieces.
In Anatomy students learn about the heart and imaging techniques used to study it.
Many of us including the teacher have a personal interest in learning Anatomy. My mom is a heart disease patient, a condition that may someday be treated by stem cells.
Five years ago my mother had a quadruple bypass which is shown in this angiogram. The object that looks like a vertical rope is one of the bypasses, a saphenous vein taken from the leg.
Baseball legend Lou Gehrig had a career and life cut short by amyolateral sclerosis, a disease scientists hope will be curable with stem cells.
Now I challenge you to research what stem cells can do! Even spinal cord injuries may one day be curable with stem cells.