Who am I ?
Identity Does N NN Nature who you are? or N NN Nurture decide
Identity Lets dissect the question of identity what it is to beand not to be a tribal - an adivasi
How is a tribal identified? a tribal surname carries a totem Do you know your totem?
How is a tribe identified? Festivals Rituals Language Food Music Dance :: C u l t u r e :: Do we perform our rituals during birth, naming ceremony, marriage, death, etc., Do we know our mother tongue, i.e, mundari, kurukh, kharia, santhli, ho, etc., Do we eat or relish jungle food, do we play the tribal musical instruments and participate in the tribal dances Do we celebrate our festivals like sarhul, sohrai, karam, maage, navakhani, etc., ?
Identity We are identified by our tribal values. Hold on to your culture, Culture Society Tribal culture is the basis of our society. for if your culture dies, you are a society which nature can’t nurture.
Language is the key to people identity
Main Linguistic Groups Identity So what language do you speak? Mundari Kharia Santali Ho Kurukh
Identity If we cant speak our native tongue We cant pass it on to our children Our language will slowly vanish
Our language is dying Serious Question Once the language is gone Our identity will be under
Our native tongue is gift of God Our Language is Beautiful Its not difficult to speak or understand Lets give it a try Start using simple words at home Today
Ritual is a specific behaviour of a society
Main Ceremonial Acts Identity So what rituals do you perform? marriage Phaguabirth naming funeral Sarhul nawakhani sohrai Rites of passage Growing Seasons
Identity If we don’t perform our rituals We disconnect from our ancestors Our children’s background is wipedOur children’s background is wiped
Our rituals are dying Serious Question Once the rituals are gone Our identity will be under
Our rituals are gift of Nature Our Rituals are world class Its not difficult to follow our rituals Lets give it a try Introduce your children to our rituals Today
Don’t let erase our traditions your competing values
So, are you a tribal, an adivasi, just by the virtue of your caste certificate ?
I’m a tribal if I - celebrate my festivals perform my rituals speak my native tongue eat jungle food enjoy tribal music & dance by doing so…. if I
Identity …by doing so, I belong to a rich community I preserve a world culture and I maintain a healthy ecosystem
Living outside chotanagpur and loosing ones culture are no barriers to belonging Remember… …we are one family
…we are one family
…we are bonded by tribal values by nature by God guided and governed
…we are the People of God children of Nature
…we are the Tribals of Chotanagpur We are proud of our culture We are proud to be adivasis
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