LOTS OF VIDEOS Click on thumbnails for frog behavior videos GET WORKSHEET AND FILL OUT YOUR OBSERVATIONS
WATCH: Frog Behavior Leopard Frog Calling Video (1:04) Frog vs. Newt (1:00)
EXTERNAL ANATOMY OF THE FROG GET FROG LAB WORKSHEET ☺Youtube Grass Frog Anatomy Video (5:10) –PART 1 External Anatomy Label the external anatomy of the frog on the worksheet. (see next slides for help)
How do you know if you have a male or female?
Find these on the frog: Dorsal side = back Ventral side = belly Anterior= front Posterior = back Why is the dorsal side a different color than the ventral side? (HINT: adaptive advantages)
Dissecting the Frog Schooltube Video Frog Dissection
Youtube Frog Dissection (1:07) Use dissecting scissors to make these cuts along the dotted lines. ☺Youtube Frog Anatomy Part 2 (Internal)
Mouth Anatomy
Pin outer skin onto dissection pan Zerobio Frog Dissection Video (good technique)
Internal Anatomy of the Frog Youtube Internal Anatomy of the Frog Video (6:53)
Cut open to expose organs (pin)
Largest organ is the liver
Under the liver is the gall bladder
The Frog Heart has 3 chambers
Cut open the stomach to see what the frog last ate
The urogenital system consists of both the urinary system and the reproductive system.
Kidneys are long narrow structures on the dorsal wall
Male Anatomy Testes are yellow or tan (bean-shaped near the kidneys)
Female Organs
Frog Brain You tube Frog Brain Dissection