Unit 11 Can You Analyze a Poem and Enjoy It Too ? Deborah Soong.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 11 Can You Analyze a Poem and Enjoy It Too ? Deborah Soong

Teaching ActivitiesIndex

Teaching Activities 1st period 1. Warm-upWarm-up 2. The Vocabulary, and Idioms & Phrases within Paragraphs 1-3The Vocabulary, and Idioms & Phrases within Paragraphs Reading – Paragraphs 1-3Reading – Paragraphs 1-3 2nd period 1. The Vocabulary, and Idioms &The Vocabulary, and Idioms & Phrases within Paragraphs Reading - Paragraphs 4-9Reading - Paragraphs Post-readingPost-reading 3rd period 1. Word FileWord File 2. Sentence PatternsSentence Patterns 3. ExpansionExpansion 4. Writing PracticeWriting Practice 4th period Oral & Listening – Unit 9

Warm-up Vocabulary Idioms & Phrases Reading -Paragraphs 1-3

Warm-up The Wind The wind stood up and gave a shout. He whistled on his fingers and Kicked the withered leaves about And thumped the branches with his hand And said he’d kill and kill and kill, And so he will and so he will. -James Stephens

1.Do you like this poem? How does it make you feel? 2.What does the poem mean? Back

Listen to paragraphs 1-3. Skip

Now, answer the following questions.

____ According to William Wordsworth, ___________. (A) a poem should be read with our mind (B) poetry is more like a matter of thinking (C) to study a poem in detail is to respect the poet (D) a poem, like a living thing, cannot be analyzed D

____ According to the writer, when you first start reading a poem, you may think about _________. (A) the meaning of it (B) how you feel about it (C) how the poet chose his words (D) how the poet arranged the lines B


About two hundred years ago, an English poet by the name of William Wordsworth wrote that “we murder to dissect.” The Introduction of William Wordsworth

William Wordsworth 唸法為 [ wIlj1m w3dzw2T] , 乃 18 、 19 世紀之交英國浪漫主義 運動中最偉大和最有影響力的詩人,其作品的 主題大多是人和自然的關係。妹妹 (Dorothy) 與他和 Coleridge 結成摯友,為文壇界的佳話, 一個新的詩派也由此誕生。 Wordsworth 在 1843 年被封為桂冠詩人,卒於 1850 年。 The Introduction of William Wordsworth Next

About two hundred years ago, an English poet by the name of William Wordsworth wrote that “we murder to dissect.” 原句 = Around two hundred years ago, an English poet (who was) named/called William Wordsworth wrote that we killed a living thing by cutting it up in order to study/for the purpose of studying the different parts of it.

詩人已過逝,故動詞用過去式 (meant) , 而後面現在式動詞片語 have to 則表示 「現在」我們對詩人的話的詮釋。 He meant that in order to study and analyze a living thing, first we have to kill it. 原句 = He meant that we have to kill a living thing first in order to study and analyze it.

Some people feel that what Wordsworth said applies to more than what goes on in a laboratory. apply to = be applied to = be true of 適用於 go on = happen = occur = take place 發生 原句 = Some people think/believe/consider that Wordsworth’s words are applied to not only what happens in a laboratory.

They think that Wordsworth, as a poet, saw a poem as a living thing. see A as B = take A as B = view A as B = regard A as B = think of A as B = look (up)on A as B = refer to A as B = think A (to be) B = consider A (to be) B 把 A 視為 B 原句 = They think that, being a poet, Wordsworth took a poem as a living thing.

And they worry that to analyze a poem—to study it in detail, to look closely at specific lines and words—is to dissect the poem, which would mean, unfortunately, to take all the life out of it. 不定詞 to analyze a poem 為 that 子句中的 主詞,與不定詞 to dissect the poem 形成 「 To V1 is to V2 」的句型, 表「 … 即是 … 」。 To see is to believe. 眼見為憑。 Next

And they worry that to analyze a poem—to study it in detail, to look closely at specific lines and words—is to dissect the poem, which would mean, unfortunately, to take all the life out of it. look at = examine 審視,調查,檢查 You’d better have a doctor look at that leg.

These people feel that poetry is something you should read (and write) not with your mind but with your heart. not with your mind but with your heart not A but B 表「不是 A 而是 B 」,此句型強 調後者 B 。 Whom he loves is not Mary but Helen. He bought the roses not for his mom but for his girlfriend.

Poetry, they say, is more a matter of emotions than of thinking. more A than B 與其說是 B 不如說是 A ,強調前者 A 。 相當於 not so much B as A 的句型, 此句型強調後者 A 。 He is more a politician than a statesman. → He is not so much a statesman as a politician. Next

Poetry, they say, is more a matter of emotions than of thinking. 原句 = They say that poetry is not so much a matter of thinking as (a matter) of emotions.

In some ways, that’s true. 原句 = → That’s true in some way/aspect. → It is true in some way that poetry is more a matter of emotions than of thinking. 作者將 in some way 提到句首,而不以 that’s true 開頭,可見作者對上述的話有待 保留,藉以埋下下面要論述的伏筆。此為一 種強調語氣的用法,也就是,將要強調的詞 語提到句首。

When you first read a poem, you probably read it for enjoyment. When you first start to talk about it, probably the questions that come to mind are “Do I like this poem? How does it make me feel?” Back