NA-MIC National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Dartmouth Brain Imaging Laboratory Site PI: Andrew J. Saykin, Psy.D.
NA-MIC National Alliance for Medical Image Computing ( )
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Brain Imaging Laboratory - The Dartmouth BIL was established in 1993 as an fMRI and brain morphometry research program. -It is a collaborative, multidisciplinary program including faculty from Psychiatry, Radiology, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Neuropathology, Molecular Genetics, Computer Science & beyond. -Four programmatic goals: (1) Clinical Neuroscience Research (2) Advanced Education and Training (3) Technical Development (4) Study Normal Human Brain Function
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing December 2005: Neuroimaging Research Center 3T Magnet
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Brain Imaging Laboratory: People FACULTY PIs (Psychiatry): Laura A. Flashman, Ph.D. Alan I. Green, M.D. Thomas W. McAllister, M.D. Brenna C. McDonald, Psy.D. Robert M. Roth, Ph.D. Andrew J. Saykin, Psy.D. Heather A. Wishart, Ph.D. POST-DOCTORAL FELLOWS: Howard Cleavinger, Ph.D. (Epilepsy) Ellen Crouse, Ph.D. (MCI, chemotherapy) Nancy Koven, Ph.D. (Schizophrenia) Nadia Paré Ph.D. (MCI, ADNI) Jo Cara Pendergrass, Ph.D. (Schizophrenia) KEY TECHNICAL COLLABORATORS: Konstantinos Arfanakis, Ph.D. (DTI; IIT) Fillia Makedon, Ph.D. (Computer Science) James C. Ford, Ph.D. (Computer Science) Li Shen, Ph.D. (CS, UMASS-Dartmouth) Jason Moore, Ph.D. (Comp Genetics) BIL COORDINATOR Heather Pixley, B.A. IMAGE ANALYSTS & SYSTEMS ADMIN: John MacDonald, M.A. Tara McHugh, M.A. Paul Wang, B.A. John West, M.S. STUDY COORDINATORS: Mary Hynes, RN (TBI) Ariel Rosen, B.A. (MS) NEUROSCIENCE TECHNICIANS: Carrie Kruck, B.A. (chemotherapy) Margaret Nordstrom, B.A. (MCI) RESEARCH MRI TECHNOLOGISTS: Jorge A. Forero Alice E. Davison
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Key Contributors to NA-MIC Schizophrenia Recruitment/Assessment & fMRI Subproject PIs: Laura A. Flashman, Ph.D., Associate Professor (Awareness & Memory) Robert M. Roth, Ph.D., Assistant Professor (Reward fMRI, Morphometry) Alan I. Green, M.D., Professor & Chair (Dual Dx and Reward fMRI) Thomas W. McAllister, M.D., Professor (Awareness & Memory) Andrew J. Saykin, Psy.D., Professor & Site PI (Memory Systems) Post-doc Fellows: Nancy Koven, Ph.D & Jo Cara Pendergrass, Ph.D. Research Staff: John West, M.S., Image Analysis and Scripting for fMRI, VBM, & DTI Heather Pixley, B.A., Coordination, IRB Issues, Image Analysis John MacDonald, M.A., Systems Administration, QC, Data Security Tara McHugh, M.A., Brain Morphometry Analysis Paul Wang, B.A., Brain Morphometry, Callosum project, Database
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Contributors to NA-MIC: Related Neuroimaging Work Robert M. Roth, Ph.D., Assistant Professor –Bipolar disorder and OCD (NARSAD, ADAA, Hitchcock Foundation, NCD) Thomas W. McAllister, M.D., Professor –fMRI Pharmacology and genetics of traumatic brain injury (NINDS, NICHD) Andrew J. Saykin, Psy.D., Professor (Site PI) –Preclinical Alzheimer’s disease and MCI (fMRI, DTI, morphometry) (NIA) –Imaging of cognitive effects of cancer chemotherapy (NCI) –Pending imaging projects on neurogenetics & cytokine biomarkers Brenna C. McDonald, Psy.D., Assistant Professor –Pediatric neuroimaging in epilepsy & TBI, clinical presurgical fMRI (EF) Heather A. Wishart, Ph.D., Assistant Professor –fMRI and lesion analysis in multiple sclerosis (NMSS, NINDS K23) Ann Christine Duhaime, M.D. Professor (Neurosurgery) –fMRI study of pediatric brain injury using a piglet model (NICHD)
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing How NAMIC Fits into Portfolio Every project in the BIL requires advanced image analysis tools – this makes NAMIC a high priority. Most projects combine fMRI, manual and voxel-based morphometry and DTI – data integration is a special priority. The BIL team contributes expertise with fMRI methodology. BIL researchers contribute “driving” ideas for needed tools and features, test prototypes in the “real world” setting, provide feedback and plan to employ resulting tools in multiple scientific projects cutting across diseases and brain systems. The BIL works closely with the Core 3.1 Harvard Site and the SPL to achieve these goals. The BIL team also collaborates with Cores 1 and 2 including 2 MIT labs, UNC, the SPL, as well as the Training and Dissemination Cores. We also look forward to collaborations with other NAMIC components.
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing * multiple grants Brain Imaging Lab: Sponsored Research (Current and Previous) Alzheimer’s Association* Anxiety Disorders Association of America Epilepsy Foundation* Hitchcock Foundation* Ira DeCamp Foundation* McDonnell-Pew Foundation National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia & Depression* National Inst. of Disability & Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR)* National Institutes of Health* – NCI, NCRR, NIA, NIBIB, NICHD, NIDA, NIMH, NINDS National Multiple Sclerosis Society* National Science Foundation* Neuroscience Research & Education Foundation New Hampshire Hospital Obsessive Compulsive Foundation Partnership for Pediatric Epilepsy Research Stanley Research Foundation Industry: Pfizer & Novartis
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Dartmouth Brain Imaging Laboratory December, 2005
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Dartmouth Brain Imaging Laboratory & Alumni