Spring Reception 2009 Program: “The Year in Review” Cynthia Archer “Learning Spaces for the 21st Century: A Model for the Scott Library” Mark Robertson “Gadget Magic” Walter Griffatong and Ali Sadaqain
Heather Fraser (Bib Services), Ed Coulson (Facilities), Susie Allamshahi (Scott Circulation), Toni Olshen (Bronfman), Janet Cheng (Scott Reference), Kenneth Cheng (Facilities) honoured for 20 years of service to York Libraries (with Cynthia Archer)
Carmela DiBellonia (Scott Circulation) honoured for 30 years of service to York Libraries (with Linda Hansen and Cynthia Archer)
Linda Gamble (Mono Acquisitions) honoured for 40 years of service to York Libraries (with Catherine Davidson and Cynthia Archer)
Joanne Chumakov honoured, on the occasion of her retirement, for her contribution to York Libraries (with Cynthia Archer, Mary Kandiuk and Heather Fraser)
Celebrating Joanne Chumakov’s contribution to York Libraries Remarks by Heather Fraser Joanne, as much as everyone is happy for you to be enjoying a well-earned retirement, there is no doubt that there are many people here who are also a little sad today. You've made a lot of friends at York and they are sorry to see you go. When it comes to the work we do I think that most of us feel the same way, you enjoy it more when you are working alongside good people. And on that score alone, you have made a huge contribution to the Libraries. Since joining the Libraries in September 1970, you have trained many cataloguers and catalogued over 100, 000 books. It has been a pleasure to work with you and on behalf of your colleagues and friends I want to wish you all the best. Happy Retirement!
Celebrating Joanne Chumakov’s contribution to York Libraries Remarks by Mary Kandiuk I’ve had the pleasure of knowing and working with Joanne for many years, for longer than most people here in fact. I am not sure whether people realize the extent to which Joanne was a pioneer. When I arrived over twenty five years ago, cataloguers didn’t venture far beyond the domain of cataloguing. Service on University committees, working with students, and liaison with faculty was largely the domain of reference librarians. But Joanne broke the mold. During her career at York she provided reference service, carried out collection development and served on many non-library Committees. She was an active member of YUFA (the York University Faculty Association), serving for many years in various capacities such as the Libraries' Chief Steward and Co-Chair of the Contract & Grievance Committee, 3 Negotiating Committees, the Joint Benefits Committee and Joint Long Range Planning Committee, the Bargaining Priorities Subcommittee, Stewards' Council, 2002-2005, and Chair of the YUFA Library Chapter.
Remarks by Mary Kandiuk - continued It is through her work on behalf of librarians in YUFA that Joanne really left her mark and changed the lives of many librarians at York. Joanne was a member of the infamous bargaining team that included Walter Giesbrecht and Tom Scott that negotiated Article 18.16(e) which provided all librarians with, at that time, 19 days of professional development, research and scholarship leave. For that librarians are deeply indebted. In addition to her YUFA work Joanne was also an active member of OCUFA (the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations), and as a retiree she remains an associate member of OCUFA. On a personal note I was always impressed by Joanne, the English speaker who became a fluent Russian speaker. Anyone who got to know Joanne came to realize what an important role family played in her life. One of her greatest joys in her much deserved retirement are her grandchildren. So on that note, good luck and farewell Joanne. Enjoy your retirement and your grandchildren, and look back with satisfaction on having broken ground during your career at York.
Ellen Hoffmann honoured, on the occasion of her retirement, for her contribution to York Libraries (with Cynthia Archer and Toni Olshen)
Celebrating Ellen Hoffmann’s contributions to York Libraries Remarks from Toni Olshen I’ve been asked to say a few words about Ellen. I’m happy to express our collective praise and appreciation for the years that Ellen spent at the York Libraries, starting out as the Atkinson and Undergraduate Librarian in 1971 and ending with her 18 years as University Librarian in 2001. Yes, she has been away from the Libraries for the last 8 years, much of that time spent working for the University Privacy Office, but in fact it is only this past December that Ellen retired from the University. When she started as Atkinson Librarian, she was part-time and worked at night. In the late 70’s the then Director of Libraries Anne Woodsworth recognized Ellen’s talent and encouraged her to take on more responsibility as Assistant to the Director for Planning – a full-time position. She became Assistant Director for Public Services in 1980-81. By the time Anne left York in 1983, Ellen was a natural to be named Acting Director. Well, the rest is history - she led the York University Libraries as Director of Libraries, and then University Librarian, including a stint as Associate VP of Academic Information Services, until 2001. With her dedication, intelligence, competence, and energy she steered the York University Libraries during a time of growth and innovation in collections, facilities, and services, a time of the active fostering of a supportive environment for all library staff, and a time of a growing reputation for the Libraries’ across York and beyond.
Toni Olshen’s remarks – continued Many of you may remember that I spoke about Ellen at the Library reception that was held when she stepped down as University Librarian and again at a small University dinner held in her honour exactly a year ago when she was designated University Librarian Emerita. I won’t speak as long as I did before so suffice it to say that Ellen Hoffmann embodies the personal characteristics of a valued University administrator, a leader, colleague, mentor, and friend. Ellen’s abilities are wide-ranging and her energy boundless. Her contributions to the Libraries and her influence at York are recognized and greatly appreciated. She has had a meaningful and long-lasting impact on the Libraries and our institution is stronger because of it. Those of us who worked with Ellen were fortunate to have engaged with her in various roles at YUL over the years and have been enriched by that experience personally and professionally No doubt Ellen will continue to impact those around her in positive ways – her family, friends and her community, she will continue to engage in activities related to her many interests, and she will continue to live actively and enjoy life. Also, we hope she will continue to visit the Libraries from time to time! We thank you, Ellen, for all the good things she have brought us individually and collectively and wish you a wonderful retirement!
L to R: Walter Griffatong, Bob Thompson, Tuan Nguyen, Terry Danylak, Raymond Shum, Howard Hui, Nancy Chow, Helium Tsui and Ali Sadaqain (LCS) A dept. that plays together stays together!
Havae Aharoni, Delores Seli and Linda Hansen (Scott Circulation), Tina McColl (LAS), and Carmela Dibellonia (Scott Circulation)
Vivienne Monty (Frost), Ellen Hoffmann, Linda Gamble (Mono Acquisitions), Joanne Chumakov, Karen Cassel, (S&E Acquisitions), Sandra Smith (S&E Acquisitions)
(L to R) Aida Morris, Anne McGaughey, My-Hanh Hoang, Fiona O’Connor (Frost)
Patti Ryan and Kent Murnaghan (Reference)
Veronica Duncan, Linda Smith and Margaret Smith
Judy Oliver (ULO), Bianca Merlo (Facilities), Gillane Parkinson (ULO) and Karen Purino, in front (ULO).
Walter Giesbrecht (Reference), Andrea Kosavic (Bib Services), Anna St Walter Giesbrecht (Reference), Andrea Kosavic (Bib Services), Anna St.Onge (Archives), Julia Holland (Archives), Stacy Allison-Cassin (Bib Services), Aaron Lupton (Bib Services)
Vito Ciraco (SMIL), Claudio Iacoe (LAS) and Dana Craig (Maps)
Savka Marijan, (Bib Services), Glenna Oleksinski, Cynthia Archer, Michele Francis, Myrtle Hutchinson and Alison Ball (Mono Acquisitions)
Dennis Skinner (Bronfman) and Ed Coulson (Facilities)
Brian Wilks and Laura Walton (Steacie)
Mark Robertson (AUL Info Svc), Lisa Sloniowski (Reference) and Sarah Coysh (Frost) “Act natural!”
Haiyun Cao (Bib Services), Gloria Jouppien (Mono Acquisitions), Marcia Salmon (Bib Services) and Ricardo Laskaris (Steacie)
Brian Wilks, Catherine Davidson (AUL Collections) and Mary Lehane (Resource Sharing)