On the Same Page What does good planning look like?
Module Overview Highlight using a sample unit plan: planning, learning & assessment for diverse learning needs curriculum requirements of schools different ways of developing adjustments for learning and assessment the importance of feedback to learning
“Begin with the assumption that every student will be given the opportunity to engage with their same age cohort, in the Essential Learnings” Heather Gosens (2008) Department of Education, Training & the Arts, Curriculum Branch
Considerations for planning Aligning teaching, assessment and reporting with curriculum intent Alignment refers to the match between curriculum intent, pedagogy, assessment and reporting and how well they work together to improve student learning.
Intended Curriculum
Identify Curriculum Unit Overview/ Task Outline What is the general description of unit/task? Ways of Working Essential Learnings Essential Learnings Select the focus of Ways of Working statements appropriate for the unit.Ways of Working statements Are the Ways of Working accessible but challenging for all students? Do some Essential Learnings for some students need to be selected from other key junctures (see Scope and Sequence)?Scope and Sequence Knowledge and Understanding Knowledge and Understanding Essential Learnings Select the focus of Knowledge and Understanding appropriate for the unit. Is the Knowledge and Understanding accessible but challenging for all students? Context for LearningWhat is the purpose and focus of the unit? Why is this unit important to all students? Is the context selected by the teacher, or are there opportunities to negotiate the context with students? Is there anything happening in the school, local community, nationally or internationally that may provide a suitable context? Is pre-teaching required for individual learners? Is the learning relevant, important and interesting for all students? This will lead to deep understanding of………. deep understanding What is the deeper meaning we want students to understand? e.g. Why is water important to life?” Identify Curriculum
Identify unit overview and task outline
Assess and Make Judgments What will be assessed? Type of Assessment When?PurposeAssessable Elements Adjustments for individual learners What evidence will be observed in student work including adjustments for a diverse range of learners?observed in student work What type of assessment will be used to gather evidence of identified Essential Learnings including adjustments for a diverse range of learners? What are the variety of ways to assess demonstrations of student learning (e.g. is one type of test used exclusively)? What time within the unit will this assessment occur? How does the timing and duration of assessment reflect that learning can occur before, during and after learning? What is the genuine and valued purpose (e.g. diagnostic, formative, assessment for learning, summative) of the assessment? formative How will the context and structure of assessments reflect the varied needs, abilities, interests and experiences of students? Which assessable elements will be the focus for assessment? (These are located in the Learning and Assessment focus of the Essential Learnings and the Assessable Elements and descriptors table.) descriptors table Do some students need additional time to complete tasks, rest breaks, split sessions, separate assessment venues? Do some students need a scribe, reader, personal computer, oral to audiotape, audio taped questions, graphic presentations, heavy lined paper? Assess & Make Judgments
Identify Essential Learnings
Identify Assessable Elements
What will be assessed?
Purpose of assessment item?
Assessment adjustments for individual learners
Sequence of Learning Learning Experiences and Teaching Strategies AdjustmentsAdjustments for needs of individual learners?Resources Orientating, Enhancing, Synthesising List learning experiences that directly relate to the identified Ways of Working and Knowledge and Understanding. Are the teaching strategies selected to ensure that the Essential Learnings are explicitly taught? Do the learning experiences cater to the varied needs, abilities, interests and experiences of students? If appropriate, identify a framework (eg: 5Es, inquiry approaches) that would help sequence the unit. Do the learning experiences engage a variety of learners in the use of digital media? Is the learning provided in a variety of contexts e.g. small group, independent, large groups, peer mentoring? Are a variety of formats used e.g. small group, 1-1 instruction, hands on? Orientating, Enhancing, Synthesising What prior learning is required? How will the learning experiences be adjusted to cater for a diverse range of students? Resources: QSA – Special Needs: Professional Development Package DSSU – DSSU Learning Community EQ – General Information on Disabilities ning/disbility/generalinfo What resources will be required to support learning in this unit? What resources will be required for specific learners to access the learning process? What specialist support staff will assist in the delivery of teaching and learning activities? Sequence of Learning
Learning experiences
Embedding Of ICTSCitizenship Framework What range of tools and media will be used for teaching e.g. interactive whiteboard, Web Quests, learning objects, websites, concept mapping, assistive technology?interactive whiteboard Web Questslearning objectswebsitesassistive technology What types of technologies can be used for learning and assessment e.g. Reading Tools – text-to-speech, OCR, talking books, software that converts text files to audio; Writing Tools - organisational software, on- screen word banks, word prediction, voice recognition, portable word processors or note takers? Which of the 5 Citizen roles relate to the Unit: Healthy, Informed, Creative, Democratic, Bio? Which OLO (Overarching Learning Organisers) are relevant, for example Understands stewardship for the natural environment and can take collaborative action to protect the earth for present and future generations? Embedding of ICTs /Citizenship Framework
Embedding of ICTS
USE FEEDBACK Monitoring Learning and Assessment StrategiesAdjustments for needs of individual learners? Which strategies will be used to provide feedback to students e.g. formal report cards and informal; annotated work; one – on one conferencing; feedback from others; peer evaluation and self- reflection?formal report cardsself- reflection What adjustments are needed for completion of assessment tasks?adjustments What adjustments are required for providing feedback to individual students e.g. audio report, Braille, video, text-to-speech? Do all student feedback strategies enable all students to reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of their work? When is the best time to provide feedback? Use Feedback
Use feedback