Cardiff School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies Ysgol Astudiaethau Nyrsio a Bydwreigiaeth Caerdydd Implementing “Lean” in the School of Nursing and Midwifery.


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Presentation transcript:

Cardiff School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies Ysgol Astudiaethau Nyrsio a Bydwreigiaeth Caerdydd Implementing “Lean” in the School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies at Cardiff University Professor Sheila Hunt: Dean and Head of School Dr Heather Moyes: School Manager

Cardiff School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies Ysgol Astudiaethau Nyrsio a Bydwreigiaeth Caerdydd Structure Context and background Scoping and prioritisation Major projects undertaken to date: achievements and challenges Creating a Lean culture Lessons learned to date Questions?

Cardiff School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies Ysgol Astudiaethau Nyrsio a Bydwreigiaeth Caerdydd About the School 86 academic staff plus research associates 23 p/t inward secondments (approx 10 fte) 46 fte support staff 1,100 fte students 46 week academic year Educational contracts with WAG and local health boards £9M turnover 3 sites

Cardiff School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies Ysgol Astudiaethau Nyrsio a Bydwreigiaeth Caerdydd Context to “Lean School” project School drivers Academic/ administrative restructure – “whole School” focus Financial constraints General concern about effectiveness of support services/ processes Cultural change from “blame” towards “action” Institutional drivers University Lean Team looking for a guinea pig!

Cardiff School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies Ysgol Astudiaethau Nyrsio a Bydwreigiaeth Caerdydd Scoping and prioritisation Staff training in key Lean principles and methodologies Focus groups & 1:1 meetings with academic and support staff and with students Striking level of agreement about problem areas Divergent interpretations of nature of problems “Sheila’s wheel”

Cardiff School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies Ysgol Astudiaethau Nyrsio a Bydwreigiaeth Caerdydd Blackboard will be available when needed People Financial Infra structure Working We will attract the best students We will support and develop our staff We will develop our students to exceed stakeholder expectations We will attract and retain the best people We will be collegial & flexible in interactions with others We will develop lean working practices We will provide effective & timely information to students and staff We will develop a culture of equality, diversity and social responsibility Dealing with SONMS will be a positive experience We will provide high quality infrastructure both physical & I.T. for staff & students We will provide a learning environment that supports, stimulates, enables & empowers We will continue to maintain the highest standards in respect of Health and Safety We will gain a clear understanding from stakeholders of value-added We will develop & maintain the student handbook The student experience will be defined & monitored We will ensure that our structure is flexible & fit for purpose We will engage in succession planning at all levels We will maintain IIP status We will balance clarity of responsibilities & roles within a flexible environment We will carry out a training needs analysis for staff and support training where identified We will enhance the school’s reputation through the implementation of a clear marketing and P.R. strategy We will develop student’s life skills by helping them take appropriate responsibility for their own student experience Every staff member will have a meaningful annual appraisal We will consider issues of equality, diversity, dignity & inclusiveness in everything we do We will develop an I.T. strategy We will ensure the signage is clear and accurate The website will be maintained to be accurate and informative We will review the placements & audit process We will review the examinations & assessment process We will review the extensions policy & process We will develop and implement a communications strategy We will review the student recruitment process We will develop good working relationships with Registry We will ensure financial probity in everything we do We will maximise research income We will ensure good stewardship of resources We will be Acknowledged as value for money by our stakeholders We will diversify our income streams We will review the way in which research income & expenditure is managed within the School We will review the budget- setting process We will ensure that all staff have a good understanding of the principles underpinning our budget We will give teaching & learning and research activities the necessary support to meet the expectations of students and stakeholders We will provide the necessary management information to enable us to manage risk responsibly We will maintain robust and transparent financial management systems We will implement a replacement programme for equipment We will develop a business plan to facilitate a move to a single location We will contribute to the development of Blackboard so that it meets the needs of students & staff We will work collaboratively with REGIS and the SIMS User Group to address the specific needs of our School We will develop an interim space management strategy for the School to improve the current working environment We will take responsibility for the maintenance of the s-drive We will seek customer feedback We will make changes as necessary to improve quality and engage in continuous improvement All staff will be members of multiple teams We will review the meeting and committee structure within SONMS We will recognise and respect expertise at all levels We will identify core competencies for all staff We will support staff in their career aspirations We will review the student sickness & absence reporting procedure We will increase research capacity We will review the appeals & interruption to studies process We will develop & implement an active engagement policy We will review the records management process Resources We will review the module timetable / schedule To provide the NHS with the best nurses and midwives Practices Work about to start Work in progress We will introduce electronic evaluation We will introduce on-line submission of work (Turnitin) We will review the BSc Clinical Practice Process

Cardiff School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies Ysgol Astudiaethau Nyrsio a Bydwreigiaeth Caerdydd Initial major projects BSc Clinical Practice admissions process Committee structures Placements Examinations and assessments processes

Cardiff School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies Ysgol Astudiaethau Nyrsio a Bydwreigiaeth Caerdydd Further key projects to date Student file Student travel expenses Room bookings Student evaluations Staff conference/ course attendance IT replacement programme Budgetary management Blackboard (VLE) site management

Cardiff School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies Ysgol Astudiaethau Nyrsio a Bydwreigiaeth Caerdydd Standard approach Initial scoping and defining boundaries Current state mapping with process owners/ operators Focus groups/ 1:1 meetings with stakeholders/ users Collation of hard evidence Future state mapping Implementation Periodic evaluation Move to continuous review

Cardiff School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies Ysgol Astudiaethau Nyrsio a Bydwreigiaeth Caerdydd BSc Clinical Practice

Cardiff School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies Ysgol Astudiaethau Nyrsio a Bydwreigiaeth Caerdydd Noise!

Cardiff School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies Ysgol Astudiaethau Nyrsio a Bydwreigiaeth Caerdydd BSc Clinical Practice Major differences between perceived and actual problem areas Much of solution actually lying within School’s own gift Academic decisions required in order to streamline processes Need to increase awareness of other stakeholders

Cardiff School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies Ysgol Astudiaethau Nyrsio a Bydwreigiaeth Caerdydd Committees

Cardiff School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies Ysgol Astudiaethau Nyrsio a Bydwreigiaeth Caerdydd Committees Committee Sheila HuntElaine Beer Gail Williams Davina Allen Dianne Watkins Christine Smith Nicola Rowlands (on secondment) Katie Featherstone Annette Lankshear Jane Harden Jane Davies School Board Learning and Teaching Education Partnership Forum (strategy)11 11 Associate Lecturer Development & Support sugrp 1 1 Education Provision and New Dev. subgroup Learning in Practice subgroup 1 1

Cardiff School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies Ysgol Astudiaethau Nyrsio a Bydwreigiaeth Caerdydd Committees Major cultural change: committees for action, not communication Empowerment of thematic standing committees Encourage discussion rather than stifle it Professionalisation of committee secretary role Speed up decision-making processes Time savings

Cardiff School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies Ysgol Astudiaethau Nyrsio a Bydwreigiaeth Caerdydd Placements

Cardiff School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies Ysgol Astudiaethau Nyrsio a Bydwreigiaeth Caerdydd Placements Lack of shared understanding of priorities and challenges amongst stakeholders Challenge of getting from current to future state in a mission-critical live process Student Records System issues Managing expectations Critically appraising evidence and acting proportionately

Cardiff School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies Ysgol Astudiaethau Nyrsio a Bydwreigiaeth Caerdydd Exams and Assessments

Cardiff School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies Ysgol Astudiaethau Nyrsio a Bydwreigiaeth Caerdydd Exams and assessments

Cardiff School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies Ysgol Astudiaethau Nyrsio a Bydwreigiaeth Caerdydd Exams and assessments Unravelling real issues in a very complex process Major academic changes required to achieve administrative changes Tails and dogs Local issues threatening progress

Cardiff School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies Ysgol Astudiaethau Nyrsio a Bydwreigiaeth Caerdydd Common themes People know what is and is not working Processes not independent of academic context Managing scope versus failing to address core issue Dealing with issues that extend beyond own sphere of influence Central importance of senior support and embedding in culture

Cardiff School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies Ysgol Astudiaethau Nyrsio a Bydwreigiaeth Caerdydd Creating a Lean culture Management training Bite-sized lean Induction and appraisal Continuous improvement Application of lean thinking to academic decision-making

Cardiff School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies Ysgol Astudiaethau Nyrsio a Bydwreigiaeth Caerdydd "It is amazing how much people can get done if they do not worry about who gets the credit." Harry S Truman

Cardiff School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies Ysgol Astudiaethau Nyrsio a Bydwreigiaeth Caerdydd Questions or comments?