Inter-Board Governor Support Programme Every School a Good School.


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Presentation transcript:

Inter-Board Governor Support Programme Every School a Good School

Objectives To increase Governors’ awareness of the role of data in the context of ‘Every School a Good School’ (ESaGS) A Policy for School Improvement To consider how Governors contribute to raising standards in schools

‘ Every School a Good School’: A Policy for School Improvement (ESaGS) ‘Count Read Succeed’ Literacy and Numeracy Strategy School Development Planning Regulations 2010 ESaGS Special Needs and Inclusion ESaGS ‘The Governors Role’ A Guide for Governors Early Years 0- 6 Strategy DE Policy & Guidance in relation to: - Raising Standards for all - Closing the Gap

Underachievement 20% at Key Stage 2 below Level 4 Social disadvantage and gender effect Elements of low quality leadership and teaching What is the context for ESaGS?

Actual PerformanceMilestones 11 Longer Term Targets 2005/62006/72007/82008/92011/ / / 2020 KS2 Communication, in English (% of pupils at expected level) 78.0% 78.8%80.1%83% 12 86%90%+ 13 KS2 Communication, in Irish (% of pupils at expected level) – pupils educated through the medium of Irish 77.7%83.1%80.7%82.0%84% 14 86%90%+ 15 KS2 Maths (% of pupils at expected level) 80.0%79.5%80.6%81.3%84% 16 86%90%+ 17 Longer term targets for improving educational outcomes

Key Stage 2 – 90% level 4+ Key Stage 3 – 85% level 5 Targets for 2020

‘Our vision is of schools as vibrant, self-improving, well-governed and effectively led communities of good practice, focusing not on institutions but on meeting the needs and aspirations of all pupils.’ What is at the heart of ESaGS?

What do you think makes a ‘good’ school? ‘Every School a Good School’

Child-centred provision High quality teaching and learning Effective leadership A school connected to its local community The indicators of effective performance associated with each characteristic are clearly set out in ESaGS What are the characteristics of a ‘Good’ School?

Outstanding Very Good Good Satisfactory Inadequate Unsatisfactory What would ‘good’ look like?

Take 2 minutes to agree 4 or 5 key aspects of your role as a Governor What is your role as a Governor?

Support and work in partnership with the Principal and staff Ask pertinent questions Make informed decisions Monitor progress Be accountable What is your role as a Governor?

“The Board of Governors of a school has the responsibility for ensuring that the Principal, and the staff, put in place all the necessary arrangements and mechanisms to help each pupil to succeed and to achieve to her or his full potential”. “The Principal and the Board of Governors will be accountable…for the quality of provision and the standards attained by their pupils…” Every School A Good School A Policy for School Improvement p.23 What does ESaGS say about the role of governors?

“ The Board of Governors should work with the school Principal in monitoring and evaluating the school’s performance and to promote self-evaluation as a means to achieve school improvement”. Every School A Good School The Governors’ Role: A Guide for School Governors, Executive Summary, p3 What does ESaGS say about the role of governors?

What is self-evaluation?

How are we doing? How do we know our strengths and areas for improvement? What do we need to do about the areas identified for improvement? How will we know we have made the improvements? What improvements have we made and what do we need to do now?

Workshop 1 Discuss in your group the questions that you might consider asking your Principal in order to determine how ‘good’ your school is in relation to pupil performance and standards. Report back from each table What is your role as a Governor in monitoring and evaluating?

‘Effective school governors support and challenge the work of the organisation. It is imperative that all boards of governors are tenacious in their focus on important school improvement issues, such as setting higher standards and expectations, and understanding better the quality of the learning taking place’ Chief Inspector’s Report What do others say about the role of governors in relation to education standards?

‘… the Board of Governors should work with the school Principal in monitoring and evaluation the school’s performance and to promote self evaluation as a means to achieve school improvement.’ ‘monitor the school’s performance and address under performance at the earliest opportunity.’ Every School A Good School The Governors’ Role: A Guide for School Governors, Chapter 6 What do others say about the role of governors in relation to education standards?

Workshop 2- A Case Study As a governing body what further information would you require in order to inform discussions with the Principal regarding actions for improvement? What is your role as a Governor in monitoring and evaluating?

Key Stage Results Computer-based Assessments Standardised Assessments Special Educational Needs Register Attendance data Free School Meals New-comer pupils Enrolment What other useful pieces of information/data are available in school?

‘The governors support the Principal and staff well in the implementation of the school development plan… The staff provides the governors with appropriate information regarding the achievements and standards of the children.’ (Primary, 2012) ‘(There is) the need to : Embed monitoring and self-evaluation of provision at all levels in the school to increase the level of challenge for the children and raise further the standards achieved.’ (Primary, 2012) What do inspection reports indicate in relation to monitoring

Principal School Development Plan School website Department of Education Handbook for Governors- Education and Library Boards websites- Council for Catholic Maintained Schools websites- Education and Training Inspectorate website- Where is other information available?