Understanding Population Trends and Processes (UPTAP) Future UPTAP activities John Stillwell, UPTAP Coordinator School of Geography, University of Leeds 19 March 2008
Where has UPTAP got to?
Yaojun Li and Anthony Heath Roona Simpson Eric Kaufmann Shu-Li Cheng Daniel Guinea Martin Sarah Smith, Anita Ratcliffe and Mike Brewer Harriet Young and Emily Grundy Peteke Feijten and Paul Boyle RESEARCH FINDINGS COMPLETED
Saffron Karlsen and James Nazroo Paul Norman Ernestina Coast Dan Vickers Dimitris Ballas Oliver Duke-Williams Alison Smith Gopal Netuveli Domenica Rasulo and Ben Rickaysen Orian Brook and Paul Boyle RESEARCH FINDINGS DUE IN Please send copy to Kate
Research methods for understanding population trends and processes using secondary data 1: Researcher experiences Dan Vickers: ‘Using K-means Clustering to Classify Census Areas’ Pablo Mateos: ‘Using People's Names to Classify Ethnicity’ Paul Norman: ‘Methods for Comparing 1991 and 2001 Population and Deprivation Distributions’ Sarah Smith: ‘Using difference-in-differences methods to evaluate the effect of policy reform on fertility’ Dimitris Ballas: ‘Using Multi-level Modelling to Understand the Determinants of Happiness’ Paula Surridge: ‘Using Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis for understanding the structure of social attitudes’ UPTAP day at the ESRC RM Festival
Research methods for understanding population trends and processes using secondary data 2: Postgraduate and user fellow experiences Sarah Bulloch: ‘Gender and Interpersonal Trust in Europe’ Dylan Kneale: ‘The Predictors of Early Parenthood’ Joan Wilson: ‘Measuring the Impact of Spatial Location on Child Development’ Daniel Guinea Martin: ‘Understanding Trends in Gender and Ethnic Occupational Segregation’ Domenica Rasulo: ‘Methods for Decomposing a Change in Disability-free Life Expectancy’ Orian Brook: ‘Constructing Demographic Indicators of Cultural Consumption’ UPTAP day at the ESRC RM Festival
EAPS Conference in Barcelona Papers by: Seraphim Alvanides; Ernestina Coast; Sylvie Dubuc and David Coleman; Nissa Finney and Ludi Simpson; Zhiqiang Feng, Paul Boyle, Maarten van Ham and Gillian Raab; Emily Grundy; Serena Hussain, John Stillwell and Paul Norman; Heather Joshi et al.; Eric Kaufmann; Domenica Rasulo, Les Mayhew and Ben Rickaysen; Albert Sabater
BSPS Conference in Manchester
Deadlines for authors:Deadlines for authors: First draft Second draft Volume 1: 30 April June 2008 Volume 2: 30 Sept Nov 2008 Volume 3: 30 April June 2009 UPTAP Book series with Springer
2 Delayed childbearing and childlessness in Britain Roona Simpson 3 Women's education and fertility - a cohort analysis Sarah Smith, Anita Ratcliffe and Mike Brewer 4 Impacts of the timing of motherhood and mothers’ employment on child outcomes Kirstine Hansen, Heather Joshi and Denise Hawkes 5 The predictors and consequences of early parenthood Dylan Kneale, Heather Joshi and Jane Elliott 6 Intergenerational contributions to childcare across Europe Alison Smith 7 Living arrangements, health and well-being: a European perspective Harriet Young and Emily Grundy 8 Currently cohabiting: relationship attitudes, intentions and behaviour Ernestina Coast 9 Links between internal migration, commuting and inter-household relationships Oliver Duke-Williams 10 Geographical mobility and child outcomes Joan Wilson, Heather Joshi and Kirstine Hansen 11 Does step-parenting influence mental health? Paul Boyle, Elspeth Graham and Peteke Feijten and Vernon Gayle 12 Understanding the needs of families with severely disabled children Mark Woolley and Seraphim Alvanides Volume 1: Fertility, Living Arrangements and Care
UPTAP Research FindingsUPTAP Research Findings Future UPTAP User Workshops in September: UPTAP/BURISA workshop at City Hall, London Date to be agreed: Knowledge Exchange Day with Scottish Government in Edinburgh 2 December: UPTAP/RSS event at RSS, London
Ideas discussed at meeting on 19 March as follows: Commission a journalist to work with UPTAP to ensure dissemination of findings occurs in an effective wayCommission a journalist to work with UPTAP to ensure dissemination of findings occurs in an effective way Themed issue of in Applied Spatial Analysis and PolicyThemed issue of in Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy Session at RGS-IBG Annual Conference in August 2008Session at RGS-IBG Annual Conference in August 2008 Establish an UPTAP Working Paper seriesEstablish an UPTAP Working Paper series Set up small group to convey some of the issues relating to measuring concentration/segregation in a clear way – perhaps do this as training workshop through the National Centre for Research MethodsSet up small group to convey some of the issues relating to measuring concentration/segregation in a clear way – perhaps do this as training workshop through the National Centre for Research Methods UPTAP activities: Ideas for future
ASAP ASAP A new, international, peer-reviewed journal with a specific focus on the practical application of analytical principles and findings at different spatial scales ASAP concentrates on presenting the results of applications of GIS and quantitative modelling methods, including those commissioned or sponsored by public or private sector organizations Papers welcome NOW ASAP web site WID=
UPTAP Co-ordinator John Stillwell School of Geography University of Leeds Leeds LS2 9JT