UQ and ORCiD Heather Todd Director, Scholarly Publishing and Digitisation Service
How UQ has engaged with ORCiD Dr Amberyn Thomas, Associate Director, UQ Library appointed as an ORCiD ambassador which allows her to keep in touch with ORCiD activities Promotion of ORCiD whenever possible eg training classes, discussions with researchers and research students Library just signed up for an institutional subscription
ORCID integrated with the UQ eSpace repository and part of ‘identity management’ – but integration is ‘static’ and we do not yet make use of the capabilities of the APIs that come with our new ORCID membership Users can manage their identifiers in a “preferences” page With the eSpace mypubs url, it is possible for UQacademics to have a single url which links to all of their linked online identities: example signature of personal eSpace profile with ‘badges’ for all linked identities.
Institutional business drivers Library hosts the institutional repository UQ eSpace and is heavily involved in both the HERDC and ERA programs – so author identification is essential to accurately and easily link researchers to as many publications as possible. UQ publishes about 10,000 publications a year – we gather via WOS and Scopus API’s and ResearcherID – but we know some underreporting Illustrates best practice for researchers
More business drivers UQ recognises the importance of author identification and importance of collecting research publications Support from the Office of the Deputy Vic- Chancellor (Research) Library will lead project to roll out ORCiD across the university
Workflows, policies and procedures All new staff encouraged to have a ReseacherID or link existing account to UQ All staff encouraged to ‘clean’ up Scopus identities ResearcherID not part of this identity management as it is currently managed by administrators only – this is because we make use of the ResearcherID and WoS Premium web services to register ResearcherIDs, link to existing ResearcherIDs of current UQstaff and download/import publications from linked ResearcherID accounts into eSpace (with authorship of the downloaded publications linked to UQ HR data based on the RID & eSpace information). We plan to move this is to an ‘author managed’ process in the future as part of our ORCiD project.
Nuances around implementation Researchers resistant to ‘admin work’ Library the driver but researchers more likely to take note of project if directed by DVCR Need to prioritise related repository development work with work to support ERA and HERDC Use ERA as a reason to implement and increase
Plans for the future Ideally we would like to develop an application where UQ academics can manage their online identities easily in one place, and ensure that they are linked and fully integrated with UQeSpace. This will (most probably) involve bulk ORCiD creation for many UQ academics. Our aim is to have ORCiDS linked to both ResearcherID accounts and cleaned (validated) Scopus author ids for every UQ academic, and to have the ORCiD API fully integrated with the UQeSpace publication system/repository (along with the WoS and Scopus APIS to retrieve the citation count details for indexed publications). With the eSpace mypubs url, it is possible for UQacademics to have a single url which links to all of their linked online identities: example signature of personal eSpace profile with ‘badges’ for all linked identities.
Thank you Heather Todd