The Springer eBook Collection Heather Ruland Staines Senior Manager eOperations Springer Science + Business Media Auditorio del Museo Universitario de Arte Contemporáneo, MUAC Octubre 20-22, 2010 How eBooks enhance research and study…
Springer eBooks Collection | Agenda What is an eBook? Perception of eBooks, and how are they used? Springer eBooks: business models and features. eBook usage and discoverability Innovations: eBook readers Summary & Conclusions
Springer eBooks Collection | Digital representation of printed material Available in PDF and/or HTML, etc. Can be fully indexed Can be fully searchable (OPAC, Google, publisher platform, etc.) Readable on any PC, eReader or PDA Can have extra features, such as audio, video, etc. Potentially unlimited amount of copies = users eBook chapters are findable because of metadata! What is an eBook?
Springer eBooks Collection | Springer‘s eBook Program and Experiences in the Market Launched eBooks in 2006, Springer has digitized over 40,000 books Over 500 North American Libraries have adopted Springer eBook Collections Consortia Agreements with Committee for Institutional Cooperation, OhioLINK, California Digital Library, Ontario Council of University Libraries, et. al. Recipient of 2006 Best Information Product, London Online
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Springer eBooks Collection | Agenda What is an eBook? Perception of eBooks, and how are they used? Springer eBooks: business models and features. eBook usage and discoverability Innovations: eBook readers Summary & Conclusions
Springer eBooks Collection | Major Changes Observed Source: 2008 Global Student eBook study: eBrary
Springer eBooks Collection | Global User Base of Academic / Scholarly Information “One needs to read books, before one can understand (scientific) journals”
Springer eBooks Collection | Agenda What is an eBook? Perception of eBooks, and how are they used? Springer eBooks: business models and features. eBook usage and discoverability Innovations: eBook readers Summary & Conclusions
Springer eBooks Collection | Leading Publishers: Number of Books Published (Data from if a book is published simultaneously in hard- and paperback editions, only the hardback edition was included) 3,959 3,408 2,459 1,260 1,274 1,201 1, Number of English-Language Titles Published in 2009
Springer eBooks Collection | eBook Collection Springer’s eBook Collection includes the following content types: – eBooks Textbooks, Monographs, Atlases, and more – eReference Works Handbooks and Major Reference Works – eBook Series Organized into 12 Subject Collections ~ Available on SpringerLink
Springer eBooks Collection | eBooks can be purchased in 12 annual Subject Collections Subject Collections 2010 copyright yearnumber of books Behavioral Science40 Biomedical and Life Science340 Business and Economics215 Chemistry and Materials Science185 Computer Science780 Earth and Environmental Science175 Engineering445 Humanities, Social Science & Law260 Mathematics and Statistics365 Medicine325 Physics and Astronomy250 Professional Computing and applied Computing160 Total3540
Springer eBooks Collection | Key Features for Librarians Interconnected to all Springer content (Online Journals and eReference Works) New books directly available for use: Springer Books are born digitally Fully integrated in your library catalogue: MARC 21 Records Allowances for digital ILL, inclusion in course packs, etc COUNTER compliant usage statistics Ownership business model
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Springer eBooks Collection | eBooks Product Number of Customers Country Breakdown by Country eBooks108Argentina51 Barbados1 Brazil17 Chile1 Colombia8 Costa Rica1 Guatemala1 Mexico12 Jamaica1 Peru2 Puerto Rico6 Trinidad1 Uruguay1 Venezuela4 TOTAL:14108
Springer eBooks Collection | Agenda What is an eBook? Perception of eBooks, and how are they used? Springer eBooks: business models and features. eBook usage and discoverability Innovations Summary & Conclusions
Springer eBooks Collection | SpringerLink Fulltext Chapter Downloads (in mio) eBook Usage In 2009 nearly 4 million chapter downloads by month!
Springer eBooks Collection | Average usage per eBook (N = 33,869)
Springer eBooks Collection | Usage at four selected customers SpringerLink Fulltext Downloads Jan-Jul 2010 Large Research Library USAConsortium USA Large Research Library Scandinavia Journals ArticleseBooks Chapters Country-Wide Consortium Europe
Springer eBooks Collection | Value of Back Content Unlike for journals content, the age of book content seems not to play a very important role. Books from 2005 were used almost as frequently as books from 2006 and Books from 2009 were downloaded less often in 2009 since they were uploaded on SpringerLink in the course of the year and were not available for the full twelve months. These data are quite consistent with data we see at Google Book Search. (N = 12,953) Average Chapter Downloads 2009 by Title and Copyright Year
Springer eBooks Collection | Distribution of Usage 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% # titles # full-text chapter downloads 10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Springer: Distribution Full-Text Downloads by number of titles journals eBooks Top 20% journals account for 80% of total article downloads Top 20% eBooks account for 55% of total chapter downloads
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Springer eBooks Collection | Drivers of usage (The “MARC Effect”) Continued…
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Springer eBooks Collection | Agenda What is an eBook? Perception of eBooks, and how are they used? Springer eBooks: business models and features. eBook usage and discoverability Innovations: eBook readers Summary & Conclusions
Springer eBooks Collection | eReaders – the future of reading?
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Springer eBooks Collection | Agenda What is an eBook? Perception of eBooks, and how are they used? Springer eBooks: business models and features. eBook usage and discoverability Innovations: eBook readers Summary
Springer eBooks Collection | Summary Springer eBooks Collection is: – Over 3500 new eBooks every year – 12 subject collections (English / Intl) – 100% DRM Free – Unlimited use: available 24/7 – Fully Searchable – Full Ownership – Highly used – excellent ROI Available on SpringerLink
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