© Eden Education Ltd SUSSEX SECONDARY MENTOR CONFERENCE The University of Sussex 22 June 2012 Heather Leatt Ofsted Inspector School Improvement Adviser.


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Presentation transcript:

© Eden Education Ltd SUSSEX SECONDARY MENTOR CONFERENCE The University of Sussex 22 June 2012 Heather Leatt Ofsted Inspector School Improvement Adviser Eden Education Ltd

© Eden Education Ltd The New OFSTED Framework for MFL © Eden Education Ltd

With a partner, discuss: what you know about the current Ofsted schedule what you would like to know any experience you have had of undergoing an Ofsted inspection feedback Ofsted

© Eden Education Ltd In Jan 2011, Ofsted published its report “Modern languages: achievement and challenge ” (Ref: ) Overview of MFL

© Eden Education Ltd The report stated: “The overall effectiveness of modern languages was good or better in six out of ten of the schools visited. However, too often, the teaching was uninspiring and did not bring the language to life for pupils.” MFL

© Eden Education Ltd Despite seeing good our outstanding progress in more than 50% of lessons at KS3 & 4, Ofsted still felt that: “...there were weaknesses in too many lessons, particularly in speaking, listening and reading in modern languages. In many of the secondary schools visited, opportunities for students to listen to and communicate in the target language were often limited by many teachers’ unpreparedness to use it. Too often, students were not taught how to respond to everyday requests and thus routine work in the target language and opportunities to use it spontaneously were too few.” MFL

© Eden Education Ltd “In over half of the schools visited … reading was not taught beyond exercises in course books or previous examination papers and teachers made insufficient use of … authentic material … to develop students’ speaking, listening, writing, knowledge about language, language learning strategies and intercultural awareness. The schools visited did not begin teaching extended writing early enough in Key Stage 3 for students to make good progress in being creative and expressing themselves spontaneously from early in their language learning.” MFL

© Eden Education Ltd 1.Greater use of the target language to support their students’ routine use of the language in lessons 2.Providing opportunities for pupils to talk spontaneously 3.Providing good opportunities for developing reading 4.Ensuring consistent marking for improvement MFL 2007 – 2010 key areas for improvement

© Eden Education Ltd With a partner discuss: Whether you would agree with Ofsted’s findings What you feel are the biggest challenges for teachers of MFL in meeting the latest requirements Feedback MFL – The Challenges

2012 Ofsted Schedule Summary of main changes: 29 judgements reduced to 4 Overall effectiveness judgement that will take into account schools’ promotion of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development No separate judgement on 6 th form CVA no longer used – using value added (VA) to measure progress

2012 Ofsted Schedule Inspections have a greater focus on: The quality of teaching and its impact on learning Reading and literacy Behaviour and safety Narrowing the performance gap How leadership and management impact on improvement

2012 Ofsted Schedule Achievement judgement: Pupils’ current learning and progress will be considered together with attainment and progress in previous years. Inspectors will take into account standards of attainment, past progress and current learning and progress Achievement of vulnerable groups remains at the heart of the process. There is a greater focus on how schools are narrowing the gaps in attainment between different groups of pupils and all pupils nationally

2012 Schedule – Update The schedule introduced in January 2012 is being updated Revised schedule due for release mid July – check Ofsted website All inspectors being trained for start of new academic year

Outstanding Lessons Important that lessons are seen as part of the bigger picture Schemes of work must be designed to allow for pupil progress to be outstanding Lessons must be carefully planned to engage all learners and allow for them to meet/exceed expectations Teacher/pupil expectation must be high

Outstanding Lessons This means that all teachers must be aware of: pupils’ starting points what their expected progress should be the level/grade that they are expected to achieve at certain points in the school year

Progression KS levels of progress across the Key Stages is expected progress 4 levels = good progress High achieving pupils will typically make 3 sub-levels of progress per year If a pupil arrives with a L4 in Year 7 and gets a C at GCSE, they have made expected progress

What makes an outstanding Ofsted lesson? In pairs, compare the 2009 Ofsted criteria for good and outstanding lessons with the current 2012 criteria Identify the similarities and differences Feedback

Outstanding Lessons Outstanding lessons: Are well planned to allow all pupils to make well above expected progress over time Will match teaching to individual needs Will provide challenge Will be differentiated to challenge all Will include high quality constructive feedback Will engage pupils fully Will allow pupils to work independently

The ‘Perfect’ lesson? P rogress is at least good for different groups of students and exemplary for some students. E ngagement with content and excited by tasks R esilience and independence demonstrated by students F ocus on the quality of learning; students demonstrate excellent concentration and are rarely off task even for extended periods without adult direction E ffective assessment used as learning in a variety of ways C hallenging activities create a commitment to succeed in all aspects of school life and the students ability to extend and improve their learning are exceptional. T echnology, other adults, prior learning and other resources contribute to the learning progress of students.

Eden Education Ltd High quality bespoke school improvement advice and training, for support staff, teachers, Middle and Senior Leaders Specialist advice for English and Literacy across the Curriculum Contact: Heather Leatt Tel: