Usborne Books At Home National Convention Awards Banquet June 12, 2004
Total Group Sales 10Elam Group$648,308 11Karstens Group$606,184 12Charbonneau Group$553,595 13Aitken Group$550,071 14Deykes Group$504,327 15Marklin Group$499,803
Total Group Sales 4Casey Group$855,752 5Harris Group$838,205 6Ruth Smith Group$827,745 7Harrison Group$727,767 8Dean Group$704,905 9Schreiber Group$668,827
Total Group Sales 1Tamm Group$1,736,236 2Wartman Group$1,627,069 3Riegel Group$873,744
Central Group Sales 16York Group$123,124 17Schreiber Group$119, Hallam Group$118, Steenberge Group$116, Porter-Zidel Group$115,370
Central Group Sales 10Lehn Group$143,033 11Waters Group$136,545 12Fertakis Group$134,940 13Meyer Group$131,747 14Casey Group$130,760 15Aitken Group$130,065
Central Group Sales 4Long Group$198,091 5Eva Goldstein Group$159,349 6Waligora Group$156,294 7McBreen Group$150,882 8Riegel Group$144,228 9Martin Group$143,786
Central Group Sales 1Wartman Group$251,939 2Dean Group$225,271 3Ruth Smith Group$210,775
Central Group Recruiting 7Coates Group18 8Dean Group17 9McBreen Group16 10Cunard Group15 10Luck Group15 10York Group15
Central Group Recruiting 4Lehn Group21 5Fertakis Group20 5Aitken Group20 5Rose Group20 6Wartman Group19 7Long Group18
Central Group Recruiting 3Steenberge Group21 2Eva Goldstein Group24 1Ruth Smith Group26
3Sheryl Crosier4 3Tisha Duncan4 3Ashli Elder4 3Silvia Harper4 3Jennifer Kelly4 3Valerie Pascadlo4 3Shellie Renz4 Consultant Recruiting
1Robin Mascharka6 2Tom Branthover5 2Samantha Hatcher5 2Julie Lee5 3Ann Bieszke4 3Kristin Boni4 Consultant Recruiting
Supervisor Recruiting 7Pamela Holliday9 7Sallie Luck9 7Suzanne & Mark Schumacher9 7Julianna Tiss9 7Susan & Jeffrey Wandishin9
6Sharon & Robert Riegel10 6Kelly Tveit10 7Judith Dill9 7Angie Filbrun9 7Charlene & Edward Harris9 7Elizabeth Hawkinson9 Supervisor Recruiting
4Maria Sogegian12 5JoAnna & Michael Hydock11 5Amanda McBreen11 5Shelly & Paul Morrissette11 6Christine Mitchell10 Supervisor Recruiting
3Eva Goldstein & Don Hume14 1Ruth & Phil Smith17 2Suzanne Opp15
Website Sales 1Kathy & Tim Hughes$17,562 2Ricardo Diaz$9,149 3Tom & Becky Dean$7,684 4Teresa Larios$5,998 5Jill Gutowski$5,274
UBAH Sales 24Jerilynn Huebschman$20,863 25Eva Goldstein & Don Hume$20,821 26Kelly & Cory Rush$20,798 27Trisha Gruszie$20,138 28Lynne & Jim Urso$20,039 29Suzanne & Mark Schumacher$19,998 30Betsy Boatz$19,899
UBAH Sales 17Hellen & Russell Gutsche$21,993 18JoAnn Walsh$21,819 19Cindy Hafenbrack$21,814 20Julie & Mark Kreun$21,676 21Joanne Temple$21,352 22Mona Wolverton$21,196 23Maria Smalley$21,154
UBAH Sales 10Belinda Murphy$23,969 11Mary & Jon Fertakis$23,690 12Kathi & Al Waters$23,637 13Jill Lapinas$23,612 14Rita & Rick Meyer$23,532 15Lorraine Medici$22, Patricia Looney$22,590
UBAH Sales 4JoAnna & Michael Hydock$31,516 5Sheila Hallam$30,982 6 Dawn Pedersen$27,119 7Dolly DePagter$26,465 8Pamela Khoury$25,214 9Jill & Brent Snyder$25,022
UBAH Sales 1Janet Gindin$48,943 2Kathleen & Kyle Long$43,915 3Kathy & Jonathan Martin$41,979
Educational Services 15Jill & Brent Snyder$12,124 16Suzanne Opp$12,118 17Bonnie Kleber$11,573 18Maria Sogegian$11,453 19Veronica Evans$11,204 20Tom & Becky Dean$11,135
Educational Services 9Clara & Bruce Welch$16,245 10JoAnna & Michael Hydock$15,534 11Amy Coquillard$13,782 12Nadette & Martin Waligora$13,449 13Barbara Wilbur$13,415 14Jane Lopez$12,718
Educational Services 4Sheila Sierts$25,516 5Susan J Cox$25,441 6Patti & Gary Wall$21,373 7Viki Noe-Chikow$20,133 8Sharon Kao$19,268
Educational Services 3Amy Aguinaga$26,323 2Joy Foster$26,879 1Cynthia Porter-Zidel$30,960
New Consultant of the Year 4Mary Kay Peacock 5Kristin Boni 6Lori Langerud 7Deanna Oldakowski 8Darci Gerrits 9Jeanine Mauchin 10Silvia Harper
New Consultant of the Year 3Wendy Abetz 2Jill & Brent Snyder 1Angie Cullen
Consultant of the Year 4Mona Wolverton 5Dawn Pedersen 6Denise Monden 7Samantha Hatcher 8Jody Barnes 9Sarah Beardslee 10Jennifer Burnham
Consultant of the Year 3Amy O’Connell 2Valerie Pascadlo 1Jennifer Kelly
Group Promotions 3Amanda McBreen3 3Shelley & Paul Morrissette3 3Kathleen & Kyle Long3 3Nancy Ann & Tom Wartman3 3Tracy Aitken3 3Jurate & Jeff Harrison3
Group Promotions 2Ruth & Phil Smith 4 2Eva Goldstein & Don Hume4
Group Promotions 1Jeannie Steenberge5
Usborne Legacy Sales Award Sharon Kao Loretta & Eugene Smucker Nadette & Martin Waligora Sheila Hallam Rita & Rick Meyer Ruth & Phil Smith
Usborne Legacy Sales Award Kathy & Jonathan Martin Dolly DePagter Janice & Larry Elam Hellen & Russell Gutsche Nancy & Greg Grinsell Cynthia Hess
Usborne Legacy Sales Award Matthew & Connie Horne Susan Olliffe Reinette & Dave Alvarez
Usborne Legacy Recruiting Award 1Matthew & Connie Horne58 2Eva Goldstein & Don Hume56 3Melanie & Mark Bingham50
New Supervisor of the Year (Honorable Mention) Amy & Ray Engler Elizabeth Hawkinson Colleen Zematis Dawn & Dennis Norris JoAnn Walsh Pamela Holiday Perry Ashley
New Supervisor of the Year Joanne Temple
Supervisor of the Year (Honorable Mention) Kathleen & Kyle Long Kathy & Jonathan Martin Amanda McBreen
Supervisor of the Year Eva Goldstein & Don Hume
Usborne Achievement Award (Honorable Mention) Kathi & Al Waters Heather Jones
Usborne Achievement Award Maria Sogegian
President’s Award Merike Tamm