Library Strategic Plan Kim Nolan LIS 581 Assignment 4 Wells College
Library Environment Wells College
Service Environment Wells College
Planning Models Vision or Goal Based - This basic process is typically followed by organizations that are extremely small, busy, and have not done much planning before. Issue Based -Organizations that have very limited resources; several current, major issues; little success with achieving future-oriented goals; or very little buy-in to strategic planning might use the issues-based approach to planning Alignment - The purpose of the model is to ensure strong alignment among the organization’s mission and its resources to effectively operate the organization. This model is useful for organizations that need to fine-tune strategies or find out why they are not working. Wells College
Planning Models Scenario Planning – This approach might be used in conjunction with other models to ensure planners truly undertake strategic thinking. The model may be useful, particularly in identifying strategic issues and goals. Organic (self organizing) - requires continual reference to common values, dialoguing around these values, and continued shared reflection around the systems current processes. Real-time Planning - because the world is changing much more rapidly planning is done continuously, or in "real time.“ Wells College
What is all this planning for??? The Library needs to develop a strategic plan for The current plan will expire at the end of This plan will help guide our actions and with the help of all members of our community create a comprehensive vision for the future of the library. (Denham,22)
Vision or Goal Based Planning We choose this approach because it works well for small communities that are very busy and have done little planning in the past. Identify your purpose (mission statement) - This is the statement(s) that describes why your organization exists Establish a vision statement - This statement describes the future state of your customers/clients and your organization at some point in the future. Select the goals your organization must reach if it is to effectively work toward your mission and achieve your vision - Goals are general statements about what you need to accomplish to meet your purpose, or mission, and address major issues facing the organization. ss_and_Timeline.pdf Wells College
Vision or Goal Based Planning Our Approach Identify specific approaches (or strategies) that must be implemented to reach each goal - Small organizations might not refer to strategies and, instead, go the next step about action planning for each goal. Identify specific action plans to implement each strategy (or objectives to achieve each goal) - These are the specific activities or objectives that each major function must undertake to ensure it’s effectively implementing each strategy Compile the mission, vision, strategies and action plans into a Strategic Plan document. Ensure that upper management approves the Plan. Monitor implementation of the Plan and update the Plan as needed - Planners regularly reflect on the extent to which the goals are being met and whether action plans are being implemented. ss_and_Timeline.pdf Wells College
Working together to create a better future Wells College
Planning Timeline Wells College PHASE 1 Vision - We will engage library staff, faculty and students in the process of visioning by using focus groups. These groups will explore scenarios describing various futures that we will use to inform our work for the next two years. (Jan. 1 – Mar. 1) PHASE 2 Identify Goals and Priorities – organize input from focus groups into broad categories. Planning board will build on the themes and input to draft high-level goals and priorities. (Mar. 1 – Apr. 1) PHASE 3 Develop and Disseminate Plan – Develop a draft plan building on all of the contributions made by the community. The draft plan will be shared with everyone within Library and University and finalized after considering comments are received (Apr. 1 – June 1)
Planning Timeline Phase 4 Process Alignment – Feasibility testing of priority activities. Library community will be invited to conduct situation assessments and examine current processes. The focus of this phase will be on the areas of change that will yield the highest return on investment. (June 1- Sept. 1) Phase 5 Implementation – Articulate initial goals. Confirm and make changes that were recommended during the pilots. All activities will be keyed to annual goal setting and outcome reporting (Sept. 1 - ) Wells College
Wells College Library Director Coordinator of Technical Services Coordinator of Public Services Coordinator of Budget and Acquisitions Focus Group Faculty Staff Students Focus Group Faculty Staff Students Focus Group Faculty Staff Students Responsibilities
Wells College
How the Community Can Participate Members of the community may volunteer to serve on committees headed by the Coordinator of each Library department. Each focus group will concentrate on the particular department from which the Coordinator is head. Anyone wishing to submit ideas that fall outside the focus group they are currently serving on may do so by submitting those ideas directly to any of the three Coordinators or by using the suggestion box located adjacent to the Main Desk in the Library. Wells College
How Progress Will Be Communicated to the Community Progress and final decisions related to the Strategic Plan will be shared with the community through a series of open meetings scheduled throughout the planning process. Wells College
Assessment of the Planning Process Was the library able to attract a diverse selection of the community to participate in the Strategic Planning process? Was the community involved pleased with the level of input they were given? Did the community involved truly represent a diverse cross section of the community? Was the community as a whole encouraged to submit any ideas they may have for the future of the library? Were the proper steps taken to ensure that all decisions were communicated efficiently and effectively to the community as a whole? Wells College
We value the contributions of others and know that we are strongest when we work together. Wells College
References Association of Research Libraries. Systems and Procedures Exchange Center. (1984). Strategic planning in ARL libraries. Washington, D. C.: Systems and Procedures Exchange Center. Denham, R. (2012). Strategic Planning:Why Bother?. Feliciter, 58(5), Germano, Michael., Stretch-Stephenson, Shirley M., (2012) "Strategic value planning for libraries", Bottom Line: Managing Library Finances, The, 25(2), pp.71 – 88 oc?id=FBCIStratPlanBasics.pdf oc?id=FBCIStratPlanBasics.pdf stratPlan11/Strategic_Planning_Process_and_Timeli ne.pdf
References egicplanning egicplanning planning planning /index.html /index.html Johnson, Heather., (1994) "Strategic Planning for Modern Libraries", Library Management, Vol. 15 Iss: 1, pp.7 – 18 Zhixian Yi, (2008) "Knowledge management for library strategic planning: Perceptions of applications and benefits", Library Management, Vol. 29 Iss: 3, pp.229 – 240