ABCs of Art Cheri Lloyd
California State Standards Artistic Perception 1.1 Recognize and describe simple patterns found in the environment and works of art. 1.2 Name art materials (e.g., clay, paint, and crayons) introduced in lessons. 1.3 Identify the elements of art (line, color, shape/form, texture, value, space) in the environment and in works of art, emphasizing line, color, and shape/form.
Creative Expression 2.1 Use lines, shapes/forms, and colors to make patterns. 2.2 Demonstrate beginning skill in the use of tools and processes, such as the use of scissors, glue, and paper in creating a three-dimensional construction. 2.3 Make a collage with cut or torn paper shapes/forms. 2.4 Paint pictures expressing ideas about family and neighborhood. 2.5 Use lines in drawings and paintings to express feelings. 2.6 Use geometric shapes/forms (circle, triangle, square) in a work of art. 2.7 Create a three-dimensional form, such as a real or imaginary animal.
ART history 3.1 Describe functional and nonutilitarian art seen in daily life; that is, works of art that are used versus those that are only viewed. 3.2 Identify and describe works of art that show people doing things together. 3.3 Look at and discuss works of art from a variety of times and places.
Aesthetic Perception 4.1 Discuss their own works of art, using appropriate art vocabulary (e.g., color, shape/form, texture). 4.2 Describe what is seen (including both literal and expressive content) in selected works of art. 4.3 Discuss how and why they made a specific work of art. 4.4 Give reasons why they like a particular work of art they made, using appropriate art vocabulary.
A is for Art Types of Lines: Zig-Zag Dotted Curvy Art by Patrick McDonnell Types of Lines: Zig-Zag Dotted Curvy
A is for alligator Types of Lines & Shapes: Rectangle Triangle
B is for bowl C is for clay Functional Art: Clay
D is for Dinosaur Texture: Visual and Tactile
e is for elephant Eric Carle Books Collage: Glue & Tissue Paper
F is for Fish Watercolor Techniques: Color, Line, Texture, Shape Swimmy By Leo Lionni Watercolor Techniques: Color, Line, Texture, Shape
G is for Giraffe Tempera Paint Color, Line, Texture, Shape, Movement Giraffes Can’t Dance By Giles Andreae Tempera Paint Color, Line, Texture, Shape, Movement
H is for HaT Collage Color, Line, Texture, Shape, Point of View The Hat By Jan Brett Collage Color, Line, Texture, Shape, Point of View
I is for Ice Cream Collage/ Cutting Color, Line, Texture, Shape I Scream, You Scream, We all scream For ice cream!! Collage/ Cutting Color, Line, Texture, Shape
J is for jungle Drawing, Art with a Message The Great Kapok Tree By Lynne Cherry Drawing, Art with a Message Color, Line, Texture, Shape
Does A Kangaroo Have a Mother Too? K is for Kangaroo Does A Kangaroo Have a Mother Too? By Eric Carle Kangaroos By Sara Louise Kras Mixed Media, Fiction/Nonfiction Color, Line, Texture, Shape
L is for Leaves Tear Art, Seasons, Balance Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf By Lois Ehlert Tear Art, Seasons, Balance
Where the Wild Things Are M is for Monster Where the Wild Things Are By Maurice Sendak Visual Texture, Pattern
N is for Necklace Symmetry, Pattern Functional Art Pattern Bugs By Trudy Harris Alpha Beads Roylco Symmetry, Pattern Functional Art
The Pirate Girl’s Treasure: O is for Origami The Pirate Girl’s Treasure: An Origami Adventure By Peyton Leung Symmetry, Patience
Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! P is for Pigeon Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! By Mo Williams Authors/ Illustrators Technology
Q is for Quilt The Quilt By Ann Jonas Pattern, Shape
R is for Robots The Robot Book By Heather Brown Recycled Art, Machines
S is for Self Portrait Proportion Facial Features Describing Words Differences Balance/Symmetry
T is for Touch Color Touch,Texture Senses Warm and Cool Colors
U is for Umbrella Perspective, Rainbows Yellow Umbrella By Dong II Sheen Perspective, Rainbows
The Day It Rained Hearts V is for Valentine The Day It Rained Hearts By Felicia Bond
Weaving, Functional Art, W is for Weaving Weaving the Rainbow By Lyon George Ella Weaving, Functional Art, Colors of the Rainbow
By Second Grade Students Longfellow Elementary X is for X-Ray What Does the X-Ray Say? By Second Grade Students Longfellow Elementary
Y is for Yarn Design Extra Yarn By Mac Barnett Abstract Art
How the Zebra Got Its Stripes Z is for Zebra How the Zebra Got Its Stripes By Justine Fontes Monochromatic and Rainbow Colors
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