Bringing it all Together Franklin Elementary, Phase 9 Kathy Abdul-Hameed, Samantha Ramirez, Heather House & Shea McGuire
Here are some vocabulary wordles WORDLES
Students created a book to help them review affixes meanings AFFIX BOOK
5 TH GRADE HABITAT PROJECT Student researched information about a variety of habitats
GRANDMA’S GOURD MOVIES USING PHOTOSTORY3 Students created movies about less fortunate countries after reading a selection in their basal
Students created flipbooks to review story elements STORY ELEMENTS FLIP BOOK
Students create a PowerPoint about their habitat 4 TH GRADE HABITAT PROJECT
Students created posters to hang all over the building about Affixes. AFFIX POSTER
Student created quiz over Author’s Purpose AUTHOR’S PURPOSE POWERPOINT
These posters were created to help get dogs adopted HUMANE SOCIETY POSTERS
These posters were created to help get dogs adopted HUMANE SOCIETY POSTERS
PRESIDENT POSTERS Students used Microsoft Excel to create a poster about a president
IMPRESSIVE INFERENCE POEMS Students used Word & PhotoStory3 to learn about Inferences
READING GAME NIGHT Preparing for game night
READING GAME NIGHT Students testing other students games
READING GAME NIGHT More students testing other students games
Examples of student created games READING GAME NIGHT
Examples of student created games READING GAME NIGHT
Playing games with our parents
READING GAME NIGHT Playing games with our parents
READING GAME NIGHT More student samples
GOING BEYOND GAME NIGHT Students created more games at home
Tools We Use
Sites We Love
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