The Tennis Court Oath 20 th June 1789, A key moment in the French Revolution Background from:
The Background Its 1789,the Estates General has been called by Louis XVI who is desperate to get a new land tax passed and needs their agreement. Attending are representatives of the three estates. But no progress is being made: The Third Estate is unhappy that they only get 1 vote out of three, even though they represent 96% of the population!
The lockout On 20 th June members of the third estate arrived as usual at the chamber for the Estates general meetings But… the Door was LOCKED!! No one really knows whether this was deliberate by the king or if it was just because it was being decorated! But the representatives were suspicious, they believed the king was about to shut down the estate general!
The most important rain in history! The weather was terrible! So the representatives rushed to the nearest dry place: an indoor tennis court! If it had been nice weather maybe they would have just waited and everything would have been sorted out! Never before has RAIN been so important!!!
What followed… The representatives swore an oath: 'never to separate, and to meet wherever circumstances demand, until the constitution of the kingdom is established and affirmed on solid foundations'
A picture paints a thousand words!
What messages about the Tennis Court oath are there in Jacques- Louis David’s painting 1791? Turn your paper sideways Write the title above on the paper Stick your copy in the middle Now add the annotations listed on P.11 Can YOU think of any other explanations – if you can then add them!
Wind of freedom blows Hand on heart shows sincerity Different parts of the Christian Church united A man writing shows new ideas Large numbers of people are part of the event Umbrella upside down stands for society turned upside down Outstretched arms stand for justice Light of Truth