Jeffrey Penny Jeanette Wetzel Sarah Akram Hailey Sebree Elizabeth Roslonowski Period #5 Mr. Gronich 2/25/11
Feudalism: is the social organization created by exchanging grants of land or fiefs in return for a formal oath for allegiance or promises of loyal service The system of feudalism has been used not only in Japan but Germany, Western Europe and China Feudalism usually results in weak government with highly powerful aristocratic lords or rulers. Generally no central government
Fujiwara: highly powerful Japanese aristocratic family in mid-9 th century Bushi(Bushido) : feudal Japanese warrior leaders who administered law; also the way of the warrior Daimyo: loyal vassals Samurai: mounted troops of Japanese warrior leaders Zen Buddhism(Chan Buddhism): stressed the importance of meditation and the appreciation of natural and artistic beauty Shinto: the way of the Gods (Kami-no-michi) Seppuku: ritual suicide or disembowelment in Japan Shoguns: military leaders of the bakufu Gempei wars: occurred for five years from 1180 on Honshu between the Taira and Minamoto families(ended with the destruction of the Taira)
Japan like Korea and Vietnam borrowed and copied many characteristics and ideas from china and feudal china Was born after the fall and decline of Imperial decline Ultimately was about the dominant control of families and no strong government Lasted from 1185 to 1333 C.E. (approximately) However, the emperor, courts and formal government was left intact, but as ceremonial figure heads The bushi controlled many civil, military and judicial matters The period was interrupted by the Mongol invasions
Feudal Japan had much warfare The civilization was highly militaristic Military/loyalty values such as family alliances and ritualized combat blocked the growth of government(hence why aristocratic families became powerful) Worst periods of internal conflict(civil wars) was in 17 th century
Once again, the feudalism system generated a weak central government The political control rested in the hands of the “Shogun” or military leaders Had unsophisticated political systems Regional leaders had armies of their own(loyalty) Once again, rulers relied on loyalty and respect for power “developed political values that embraced, most participants in the system” Aristocratic lords controlled the mass of peasants
They practiced Zen Buddhism Shinto and Japanese Buddhism was a single complex religion Free religious freedom was granted Participated in rituals and customs derived from religious traditions
Feudal Japan heavily borrowed ideas from Chinese culture The society was divided into various classes Was ruled by the Shogun, who were military leaders with absolute control Most successful was the “Tokugawa” shogunate( )
They had steel manufacturing Mastered bronze and metalworking Silk paintings Produced Japanese paper Discoveries in astronomy Kept their handicraft making secret Developed textile technology Had wooden architecture Woodworking tools
The feudalism was highly based on military Developed textile technology and wood working Lawyers or Japanese legal system emerged However, they were successful in industrial development They also were adept in running Capitalist economies
Feudal Japan emerged after Imperial Japan fell Emperor’s and the courts were used as ceremonial figure heads during this era Aristocratic Lords especially the Fujiwara were very dominant and possessed military control *Feudal System Loyalty of the Japanese to their lords contributed to the success of this era. A period of civil war or eternal conflict also erupted