Green Mountain Council, BSA District Roundtable Marketing Presentation We Achieve What We Recognize
Green Mountain Council, BSA What is it you want to achieve? More chartered organizations Active and participating More volunteers Recruited, trained and retained More youth members Joining, advancing and staying Program Better and more of it
Green Mountain Council, BSA How best to achieve your goals? You achieve what you recognize! n Develop a recognition system that will encourage behavior consistent with your goals. Let’s discuss this core concept
Green Mountain Council, BSA Here is the tool to develop and use regularly: Positive publicity of individual n Chartered organizations n Adult volunteers n Youth members n Program events
Green Mountain Council, BSA Chartered Organizations News releases in proper format n On charter relationship n What the organization hopes to achieve with BSA relationship n Include names and photos n We yield greater enthusiasm, involvement and support
Green Mountain Council, BSA Adult Volunteers News releases of individuals names and photos Include in district publications Submit to council newsletter and e-news We feel good when we see our name / photo in print
Green Mountain Council, BSA Youth Members Timely press releases with names and photos When they join the unit Advance in rank Activity group photos Elected officer position Everyone likes to see his name & photo in print Results Retention Enthusiasm Recruit friends
Green Mountain Council, BSA Publicize unit activities Camporees, etc. Names and photos Describe event Tell Scouting’s story Results Greater enthusiasm Influence more organizations to charter units Recruit Scouts and volunteers
Green Mountain Council, BSA Alternative Publicity Instruments n Byline articles – columns, letters to editor n Talks to churches and community organizations n Float / march in local parade n Posters & fliers – schools, stores n Market merit badge interests n Web page / Electronic news n Word of mouth
Green Mountain Council, BSA Developing media relationships n Know your media contacts n Send activity calendars n Invite reporter to activities & events n Make sure they know how to reach you n Thank and compliment on stories n Weeklies, radio, TV, etc n Church, school & community newsletters
MODEL PRESS RELEASE-ADULTS For Immediate Release Contact: (name of marketing chair) Phone: day and evening numbers address Boy Scout Troop 123 installs new leaders Bob Smith, Scoutmaster of Troop 123, sponsored by the Center City Eagles Club, is pleased to announce that Ray Jones and Charles Brown have agreed to serve as Assistant Scoutmasters in the troop. Smith is shown, in the attached picture, congratulating Jones and Brown on their appointment. Jones and Brown are excited about this challenge which will enable them to help build character through a fun program of indoor and outdoor activities for the 23 Boy Scouts in the troop. Any parents, boys or potential adult leaders interested in Unit 123 should call Bob Smith at ###
MODEL PRESS RELEASE-YOUTH For Immediate Release Contact: (name of marketing chair) Phone: day and evening numbers address Boy Scout Troop 123 inducts new members Bob Smith, scoutmaster of Troop 123, chartered by the Center City Eagles club, is pleased to announce that Bill Jones, son of assistant scoutmaster Ray Jones, and will Phil Brown, son of assistant scoutmaster Charles Brown, on have joined Troop 123. This brings the total boys in Troop 123 to 25. In the attached picture, from left to right are Ray Jones, Phil Brown, Scoutmaster Bob Smith, and Assistant Scoutmasters Ray Jones and Charles Brown. Bill and Phil look forward to the fun program of indoor and outdoor activities held by Troop Troop 123 has openings for another 10 boys. It could also use another five adult leaders. Any parents, boys or potential adult leaders interested in unit should call Bob Smith at ###
MODEL PRESS RELEASE-CHARTERED ORGANIZATION For Immediate Release Contact: (name of marketing chair) Phone: day and evening numbers address Center City Eagle Club charters Boy Scout Troop CENTER CITY - The Center City Eagles Club has recently renewed its annual charter with the Boy Scouts of America for the fifteenth consecutive year. Unit commissioner Peter Fielding presented the charter certificate at the club’s monthly directors meeting last week. The Eagles club has made a strong commitment to the Scouting program in Center City and has helped more than 250 boys experience the adventures and values of Scouting since the Troop was first formed in Overseeing this endeavor are Charles Brown and Ray Jones, the Eagle’s President and Secretary. They are particularly impressed about Troop 123’s mission to build character among its youth members, in line with Scouting’s Oath and Law, through fun filled indoor and outdoor activities. Troop 123 serves boys from Center City and surrounding areas in grades six through twelve and is currently welcoming new members. Interested parents, boys and potential adult leaders should call Bob Smith, Troop 123’s scoutmaster, at ###
MODEL PRESS RELEASE-PROGRAM For Immediate Release Contact: (name of marketing chair) Phone: day and evening numbers address Troop 123 attends district camporee Phil Brown, senior patrol leader, and Bill Jones, assistant senior patrol leader, of Boy Scout Troop 123 in Center City are happy to report that all 17 boys who participated in last weekend’s campout at the Green Mountain Council Camp Sunrise had a wonderful time. In addition to learning outdoor cooking and survival skills the boys enjoyed snowshoeing and ice- skating. Bob Smith, Troop 123’s Scoutmaster, stated this is typical of the exciting activities afforded the Scouts in Troop 123. In the attached picture from the left, are Scoutmaster Smith, together with Assistant Scoutmaster Charles Brown, and the following boys Charlie Abel, Dusty Baker, Bob Charles, Fred Delta, Sam Echo, Sandy Foxtrot, Izzy Hotel, Roy India, Willie Juliet, Ken Kilo, William Lima, Norm November, Ozzie Oscar, Peter Papa, Ron Romeo and, at the far right, Phil Brown and Bill Jones. The troop plans another winter campout in six weeks. Troop 123 has openings for another 10 boys. Its programs would be further improved if it had another 5 adult leaders. Interested parents, boys and potential adult leaders should call Bob Smith at
Green Mountain Council, BSA Action Steps n Enthusiastic marketing chair n Know local editors & news directors n Sell Scouting and your unit n Proper formats and information n Watch your unit’s success