TELPAS Grades 2-12 Holistic Rating Training Spring 2010 Hitchcock ISD
Important Dates Feb 1 – March 7 Open Window Online Refresher Course. Feb Students writing samples can be collected. February 26 Collection of writing samples by Mrs. Guerra. March 5 Raters will receive the 5 verified writing samples. March 8 – April 9 TELPAS Assessment Window April 12 Collection of rated writing samples and student rating roster.
TELPAS Manual Overview Pages General Information about TELPAS Pages Test security and confidentiality requirements Rater Responsibilities Pages General Information about Holistically rated TELPAS assessment Pages Complete training Pages PLDs Appendix A - Oath Appendix B - TELPAS Student Rating Roster Appendix D - TELPAS rater’s user guide for online training and qualification
Why is TELPAS Administered? To meet federal requirements for assessing the English language proficiency of grades K-12 ELLs in the language domains of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. To meet federal accountability requirements for responding to the educational needs of ELLs.
TELPAS Holistic Rating Process TELPAS provides a systematic way for teachers to holistically rate English language proficiency. A holistic scoring process is one in which a student’s abilities are evaluated as a whole rather than as skills in isolation.
Holistic Rating Process Teachers use the proficiency level descriptors (PLDs) from the ELPs as rubrics to holistically determine which stage on English language acquisition best describes their ELLs: –Beginning –Intermediate –Advanced –Advanced High Listening, speaking, reading, and writing proficiency are assessed separately.
Key Features of Each Proficiency Level Beginning –Little or no ability Intermediate –Limited ability, simple language structures, high- frequency vocabulary, routine contexts Advanced –Grade appropriate, with second language acquisition support Advanced High –Grade appropriate, with minimal second language acquisition support
Linguistic Domains 1.Listening: the ability to understand spoken language, comprehend and extract information, and follow social and instructional discourse through which information is provided. 2.Speaking: the ability to use spoken language appropriately and effectively in learning activities and social interactions. 3.Reading: the ability to comprehend and interpret written text at the grade-appropriate level. 4.Writing: the ability to produce written text with content and format to fulfill grade-appropriate classroom assignments. Adapted by Alief ISD Language Proficiency Profile
Assessment Approach for Listening and Speaking Teachers determine proficiency level based on observations during ongoing classroom instruction. Teachers watch how ELLs interact informally with them and other students. understand and use English –when academic material is presented –during cooperative learning activities
Listening Reflect on how well the student understands the English he or she hears during activities such as: Reacting to oral presentations Responding to text read aloud Following directions Cooperative group work Informal, social discourse with peers Large-group and small-group interactions One-on-one interviews Individual student conferences »See page 34 on TELPAS Manual
Speaking Reflect on how well the student speaks English during activities such as: Cooperative group work Oral presentations Informal, social discourse with peers Large-group and small-group interactions One-on-one interviews Classroom discussions Articulation of problem-solving strategies Individual student conferences »See page 35 on TELPAS Manual
Assessment Approach for Writing Raters will receive a collection of each student’s writing from a variety of content areas and use the collection as the basis for evaluating the student’s English language proficiency in writing. »See page 38 on TELPAS Manual
Samples Required At least 5 total samples are required in each collection. In each collection there must be –At least 1 narrative about a past event –1 English/Language Arts writing sample (See examples on page 24 and 25 on your TELPAS Manual) –1 writing sample from each subject, science, math, and social studies.
Papers not to include Papers contained copied language Papers in which student relies heavily on resources (dictionary, thesaurus, etc) Papers showing teacher comments and corrections Worksheets, question-answer assignments, TAKS written compositions Papers that have been polished with help from peers or teachers. Papers written primarily in student’s native language Papers that are brief, incomplete, or rushed
Collaboration with Others In determining the proficiency ratings of their assigned students, raters are highly encouraged to collaborate with other teachers and school personnel who have knowledge of the students’ English proficiency.