MNA Mosby’s Long Term Care Assistant Chapter 19 Bedmaking
Bedmaking Clean, neat, wrinkle free bed: Increases comfort Prevents skin breakdown and decubitus ulcers In the LTCF linens are completely changed on the resident's shower or bath day.
Types of Beds: Closed bed Open bed Occupied bed Resident is up Resident is ready to get back in bed Resident is in the bed
Linens Bottom sheet Draw sheet Top sheet Bedspread pillowcase Hold linens away from your body Never shake linens Place clean linens on clean surfaces Never place linens on the floor Collect linens in the order of use
Removing Dirty Linens Roll all linen together away from you. Place in linen hamper
Making Beds Use good body mechanics Practice medical asepsis Practice standard precautions Never shake linens Hold linens away from your body
Making Beds Never place linens on the floor Keep linens wrinkle free Cover plastic drawsheets with cotton drawsheets Make one side before completing on the other side Change wet linens immediately
Bedmaking Elevate bed for proper body mechanics Bottom sheet is tucked in at the top Top sheet is tucked in at the bottom Corners are called: Mitered Open end of pillow case is placed to face away from the door Elevate bed for proper body mechanics Lower bed for patient safety
True or False Review All linens are changed QD in the LTCF On the resident’s bath day
Review Shake linens in the air to remove crumbs and wrinkles True False
Review Wrinkled linens should be changed immediately True False
Review Away from Hold linens _________________ your body.
Review A person is out of the room most of the day. What type of bed should you make? ___________________________. closed
Review Beds are made ______________________. Every day
What goes on the bed first? Review What goes on the bed first? Bottom sheet
For good body mechanics the bed is Review For good body mechanics the bed is _______________________________________ Raised to your working height
Review A plastic draw sheet must never Touch the residents body
Review A clean, neat, wrinkle free bed does all of the following except: A. Help prevent skin breakdown Help prevent pressure ulcers Increase the resident’s comfort Help prevent incontinence