IC-Brazil Program created by MCT in 2005 Elimine o RETÂNGULO de TEXTO e INSIRA o logotipo da DH. Jacobus W. Swart CTI 1
Outline Vision & Activities Organization Design houses Manufacturing Training HR Opportunities Tópicos da Apresentação 2
Vision & Objectives To promote the development of an ecosystem in microelectronics in Brazil and the insertion of Brazil in the semiconductor market Promote local IC companies Attraction of international companies E.g., Freescale – today 200 IC designers Smart - Back-end fabrication Promote electronics innovation Synergy with other governmental incentives: Informatics law PADIS – new program for semiconductors and displays Subvention programs by FINEP and BNDES
Activities Support for design houses Support for fabrication: Wafer fabrication Packaging and Testing of IC´s IC design training program 4
IC-Brazil Organization Steering Committee & 3 sub-committees Infrastructure Education Business Executive Office Located at CTI, Campinas 5
Design Houses 7 Design Houses Already in Operation 6
Design Houses Cadence's Tool Training Fellowships in the first years Infrastructure Workstations Cadence's Software Tools Cadence's Tool Training Fellowships in the first years Current 97 fellowships for 133 designers IC Design IP Library Comercial Designs: 19 finished & 18 in progress Next steps: growth of existing DH´s and increase number to 15 DH´s until 2010 7
LINCS-CETENE Team: Expertise: 25 designers 5 trainees Modeling in System C Design with Verilog-VHDL RTL Functional verification using SCV Prototyping with FPGA (Altera) Silicon layout (Cadence)
100% first time silicon success LINCS - CETENE PORTIFÓLIO 100% first time silicon success e first price at IP/SoC 2006. CAIP - Controle Automático de Iluminação Pública www.lincs.org.br/chips
Design House - CTI DH CTI Technologies: Mixed analog- digital IC design Mixed RF and RFID Mixed Smart Power SoCs: FPGA and Structured ASICS Some Figures Human Resource – 25 designers Infrastructure: 400 m2 ( ~ 4500 sq ft) Lab area 50 workstations Tools: Cadence, Mentor Graphics, Altera, ... Projects & Services Intelbras FINEP/VAEE Intelbras FINEP/IPSVAEE CIS Eletrônica FINEP/DECOD ICs, Sensors, FPGAs, … DH CTI Foundries Relationship IBM BiCMOS technology 0,35um and 0,18um – Analog and RF XFAB 1um, 0,6um, 0,35um and 0,18um – Analog, RF, HV (650V), Sensor and MEMs Austriamicrosystems CMOS & BiCMOS 0,35um – Analog, RF NEC – Structured ASICs
LSITEC Analog & Mixed Mode Design Digital ASIC / FPGA 25 design engineers working in two offices: Sao Paulo (SPO) Salvador (SO, Bahia State) 70% with MsC or PhD 2 Engineers have more than 15 years experience in US design companies www.lsitec.org.br
Response Time to Repair has been reduced by 2/3 IC Design Signaling device, battery operated, to identify power interruptions in high power transmission lines Outcome Response Time to Repair has been reduced by 2/3 Mixed Mode IC developed in 3 months, from specs to tapeout Layout (left) and under test (right) Industrial production starts on April 2008 (using smd package)
Manufacturing Wafer fabrication: Packaging Testing foundries CEITEC: 0.6 µm CMOS, start 2009 Packaging Service providers CTI Testing CTI and others 13
CEITEC – Wafer Fab and Design Center 1 2 Building 2 - 5.100 m2 Design Center Marketing Process engineering Technological incubator Training Facilities Building 1 - 9.600 m2 2.000 m2 Clean rooms of production and training (800 m2 class100) 4.000 wafers/month (200 a 15.000 chips/ wafers)
Packaging at CTI Small scale ceramic packaging – engineering phase of IC design Chip on Board (COB) technology for prototyping; Packaging of sensors and SAW devices Microsoldering of Al and Au wires Special dicing for different substrates: Si, GaAs, Al2O3, LiNbO3, glass, quartz, circuit boards, etc.
Characterization and Failure Analysis Teradyne MicroFlex tester Logic analyzer-HP16500B Wafer prober – Micromanipulator 6400 Optical Microscope SEM w. EDX/WDS FIB/SEM dual beam (@ CCS-UNICAMP)
Reliability and Certification Thermal cycling chamber Vötsch 7012 Climatic chamber – Vötsch 7033 Burn-in Sample preparation
Training Program Cadence's Partnership 1 Yr. Training Program (Digital, Analog & RF) Certification of Brazilian Instructors Objective ~ 1.500 designers in 3 to 4 years First Training Centers in Porto Alegre and Campinas 18
Training Program 4 Training Centers CT#1 – Porto Alegre, RS (Started on April 2008) CT#2 – Campinas, SP (Started on August 2008) CT#3 – TBD (On July 2009) CT#4 – TBD (On January 2010) 400 students per year from 2009 Phases 4 months – Theory & Tool Training 8 months – Specific Commercial Project Instructors & Training Content 1st year – Cadence's Team Training Content Designed by Cadence 19
Additional Training Master & PhD programs in Brazil – estimate: 100 MSc + 40 PhD / year. One year master program in France: university & ST Microelectronics – 12 students / year On the job training at Freescale: 24 engineers
Opportunities DHs have strong demand for designers In the Training Centers Lectures Instructors Lab Assistants Team Leaders New Network Program: SIBRATEC Microelectronics Electronics Products Quality Photovoltaics 21
Financial Support 22
Centro de Tecnologia da Informação Renato Archer Figures: Campus area = 320.000 m2 Building area = 14.000 m2 People = 300 www.ci-brasil.gov.br WWW.CTI.GOV.BR jacobus.swart@cti.gov.br