Genres of Fiction G5.2R.C1.PO9
Objective I can identify various genres of fiction.
Essential Questions What is Science Fiction? How is it different from Historical & Realistic Fiction? What is Historical Fiction? How is it different from Science & Realistic Fiction? What is Realistic Fiction? How is it different from Science & Historical Fiction?
Essential Questions, Continued What is Adventure? How is it different from Mystery & Fantasy? What is Mystery? How is it different from Adventure & Fantasy? What is Fantasy? How is it different from Adventure & Mystery?
Essential Questions, Continued What is a Myth? How is it different from a legend? What is a Legend? How is it different from a Myth?
Essential Questions, Continued What is a Fable? How is it different from a Tall Tale & a Fairy Tale? What is a Tall Tale? How is it different from a Fable & a Fairy Tale? What is a Fairy Tale? How is it different from a Fable & a Tall Tale?
Science Fiction Science Fiction is a genre that often involves guesses about current or future science or technology.
Science Fiction, Continued Science Fiction can include: A setting in the future A setting in outer space or involving aliens Stories that involve technology or scientific principles that contradict the laws of nature Stories that involve discovery of new scientific principles or new technology
Science Fiction, Continued Science fiction differs from Fantasy in that its imaginary elements are largely possible within scientific principles. Examples of Science Fiction works include Star Trek, Star Wars, and A Wrinkle in Time
Historical Fiction Historical Fiction is a story that is set in the past and portrays people, places and events that did or could have happened. Historical Fiction includes a real time and place in the past, and often real historical figures who mingle with fictional characters living during a notable period in history.
Historical Fiction, Continued Historical Fiction differs from Realistic Fiction and Science Fiction in that it is set in the past during a notable period or event in history. Examples of Historical Fiction include Johnny Tremain, Number the Stars, and Sarah, Plain and Tall.
Realistic Fiction Realistic Fiction tells about characters and events that are like people and events in real life. Realistic Fiction includes characters that have feelings that real people have, and a setting that is familiar to most.
Realistic Fiction, Continued Realistic Fiction differs from Historical & Science Fiction in that all elements of the story are possible, and the story is set in the present. Examples include No Talking, The Best School Year Ever, and The Last Holiday Concert.
Adventure Stories often involve outdoors, survival, and exciting journeys to interesting places Characters face challenges in order to triumph over difficult situations.
Adventure, Continued Adventure is different from Mystery and Fantasy because it focuses on the actions of the hero. Examples include Hatchet, Julie of the Wolves, Danger in the Desert.
Mystery Story revolves around a problem, crime or mystery to be solved using clues Story is suspenseful Characters are detectives, suspects and sometimes both
Mystery, Continued Mystery is different from Adventure and Fantasy because it has a crime, clues, suspects, detectives and a mystery to be solved. Examples include The Westing Game, and Hardy Boys & Nancy Drew series
Fantasy Story events could not really happen in real life Stories involve magic, wizards and mythical characters
Fantasy, Continued Fantasy is different from Adventure and Mystery because it contains magic and/or mythical characters and settings. Examples include the Harry Potter series, the Lord of the Rings series, Eragon
Myth A traditional story of gods or heroes which tries to explain people, things or events. Tries to explain elements of nature or life. Has gods, goddesses and unusual creatures.
Myth, Continued Myths are different from legends because myths are stories that were made up to explain the world. Examples include Apollo, god of the Sun, Medusa and Hercules
Legend A legend is an exaggerated version of a true story. Stories were originally passed down orally, then eventually written down
Legend, Continued Legends are different from myths because legends come from true stories that have been exaggerated over time. Examples include Robin Hood, King Arthur & Excalibur
Fable A fable is a short story designed to teach a lesson. Usually contains talking animals Has a moral at the end.
Fable, Continued Fables are different from Fairy Tales and Tall Tales because they contain talking animals and lessons. Examples include The Tortoise & the Hare, The Ant & the Grasshopper
Fairy Tales A Fairy Tale is a story that includes magical creatures or actions. Often begins with “Once Upon a Time” and ends with “happily ever after.” Setting often in a town, castle or forest. Good is usually rewarded and evil is punished.
Fairy Tale, Continued A Fairy Tale is different from a Fable and Tall Tale because it includes magic. Examples include Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White
Tall Tale A Tall Tale is a story with unbelievable elements, told as if it was true and factual. May include a larger than life character with a specific job. Exaggerated details that describe things as greater than they are.
Tall Tale, Continued Tall tales differ from Fables and Fairy Tales because they are exaggerated stories that are based on the truth. Examples include Pecos Bill, Paul Bunyan, and Johnny Appleseed.
Folktale A folktale is passed down orally Usually from another culture Has a moral at the end of the story Examples include Sees Behind Trees, The Rough-Faced Girl, The Boy Who Cried Wolf.