Literature Circles Overview and Timeline
Here’s the general idea... For the rest of this school year, you will be part of a literature circle group. You’ll be working both by yourself and with your group members to : read the book learn vocabulary from your book keep a reading log complete a project do book talks with the entire class write a response to literature essay complete a final exam on your book
Book Choices In a few minutes, your teachers will be introducing you to your book choices. You will be able to select from challenging (“A”) books (recommended for those going into 9H in high school or 8x next year), grade level novels, and some novels that are a bit easier to read.
8th Grade Book Titles List AList BList C Dragons in the Water My Side of the Mountain Artemis Fowl Ender's GameSword of the Rightful King Ms. Frisbee and the Rats of NIMH Watership Down Number the Stars Black Beauty The Dark is Rising Rumblefish The Hounds of the Baskervilles Shadow of the Dragon
7th Grade Book Titles List AList B Every Living ThingThat Was Then, This is Now Summer of the Monkeys Magician's Nephew A Wrinkle in Time Ransom My Brother Sam is Dead The Wind in the Willows Hatchet
Choosing Your Group There may be no fewer than three, and no more than five members in each group. Group members can be from either Ms. Galeazzi’s or Mrs. Riebli’s class – we will be working together on this unit. Try to choose group members who have similar interests and reading levels. Be SURE to join a group whose members will work with you, do their fair share, and help you to do your best! Your grade for the trimester absolutely depends on this! In order to choose a group, you will need to bring Ms. Galeazzi or Mrs. Riebli a paper with the book title and group members listed. Books will be assigned on a first come, first served basis. Students who are not assigned after ten minutes will be assigned by a teacher. Once you have started a book, you are expected to finish it
Your Individual Tasks Here are some of the things you will be doing on your own: -Daily silent reading (and book completed by the end of May)-Daily silent reading (and book completed by the end of May) -Daily reading log entry with a flow map of events and the -Daily reading log entry with a flow map of events and the key event starredkey event starred -Monday night vocabulary homework-Monday night vocabulary homework -Response to Literature essay-Response to Literature essay -Final exam -Final exam -Lead at least one book talk on your novel-Lead at least one book talk on your novel
Group Task Here are some of the things your group will work on together: -Choosing a vocabulary list of ten words from your book each Monday -Choose a member to do the weekly book talk and help them plan -Create and submit a group project proposal, and complete the project by the end of May -Agree on a topic for the response to literature essay each of your group members will write (by May 16 th ) -Discuss, clarify, and read with your group - Answer group questions presented by teachers
The Group Project Each group must complete a project to be presented at the end of May. Your project must be approved by a teacher by April 16th. It will be due in May--date to be determined. Some suggested ideas include: - a play version of your novel, acted out by your group - a Power Point presentation focusing on the elements of fiction in your book - a travel guide to the setting of your book with maps, places of interest, cultural background, etc. - your protagonist (or antagonist’s) journal or scrapbook - a museum of artifacts from your novel - whatever interesting idea your group comes up with!
A Typical Day in Lit. Circles First 20 minutes – individual silent reading and log completion Last 30 minutes – group tasks, completion of daily task log Monday: create vocabulary list (homework that night), task log Tuesday: work on project, assignments from teachers, discuss reading, daily task log Wednesday: Silent Reading/Workshop Wednesday Thursday: prepare for book talk, daily task log Friday: Five minute update of your novel to the entire class, book talk notes, task log
Getting Started Here’s what you will be doing first: Choose your book and your group Turn in your group names and novel name to a teacher, and make sure that your group is accepted. Make group folders, individual reading log pages, and a group task log page. Place these in the folder. The folder cover should be neatly done and be illustrated like your book cover, with member names and book title. Fill out the calendar for your group
One last thing.... At the end of each period, you will need to put everything away NEATLY. Books go back in their proper stacks Chairs are put back Papers in folders are put away At the beginning of each period, you will get your book, take your regular seat in your classroom, and begin silent reading. When the bell rings, you must be reading in your seat to be counted as on time.
Ready? Mrs. Riebli and Ms. Galeazzi will now introduce the books, and we will GET STARTED!