MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR INTERVIEW Passport to Internship Success Developed by SFUSD Career Technical Education
Do Now Activity! List 4 ways you can prepare for a successful interview
Do Now Possible Answers Dress appropriately Learn about the company/job you are interviewing with. Do a test transportation journey Practice sample questions you may be asked Think about the skills you may already have which you can use on this job Visit the job site prior to the interview- observe the dress style
Present Yourself Professionally Arrive early (5-10 minutes) Offer a firm handshake at the beginning and end of the interview Maintain eye contact throughout the interview (strong, not aggressive) Remember to smile and be friendly
The interview requires your full attention!
What to Take to Your Interview Have a copy of your resume and cover letter Place your documents in a folder Take your portfolio of your sample work (optional) Take a pen or pencil and note paper Prepare a reference list and take to your interview
The Interview Questions!
TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF? Answer the following question:
Tell Me About Yourself: Things You SHOULD share about yourself Be sure to include… Name School Hobbies or school activities, clubs, organizations What are your future goals? (i.e. college/career) Keep it to seconds only.
WHAT ARE YOU MOST PROUD OF? Answer the following question:
What are you most proud of? Tips: Awards at school, your involvement (leadership) in a club, organizations, sport teams, or tutoring someone Caring for a family member, An accomplishment: school, work, or personal Note: the “what are you most proud of” question is meant to tell the interview about your values - what is most important to you as a person.
WHY DID YOU APPLY FOR THIS JOB? Answer the following question:
Why did you apply for this job? Tips: I have applied because it is an excellent match for my skills. I have a great respect for the company I am confident that I will be able to make a major contribution. Note: The employer wants to make sure if you know what the job involves. You will feel more confident and show you are interested if you have done your research about the job. Better yet, visit the job site if you can!
TELL ME ABOUT A TIME YOU OVERCAME A CHALLENGE Answer the following question:
Behavioral Interview Questions Organize your response! Problem - Action - Result (PAR) Problem (P): Explain what the challenge was (20 seconds) Action (A): What action did you take to overcome the challenge (45 seconds) Result (R): What was the end result (20 seconds) Note: Make sure the result ends positively
Problem - Action - Result (PAR) Example: P: Not doing well in math A: Went to tutoring and met with the teacher R: I earned a B in my math class Make sure to… Pick an appropriate example Pick something not too emotional Pick something that is legal
Fill in the blanks with your own answers P A: R: Problem -Action -Result (PAR)
DO YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS? Answer the following question:
Do you have any questions? Tip: Always have some question prepared to ask the interviewer about the company. What are your typical shift times? What type of training do you offer? Do you have dress requirements? Note: Having prepared questions will let the interviewer know you are interested
How to Appropriately End the Interview Thank them for the opportunity to interview “Thank you for taking the time to interview me” Express interest in the position “ I would love to work for your company” Ask about the timeline for hiring “When will you make your decisions Shake hands with everyone present Don’t forget to send a thank you letter/
The Day of the Interview
Dress for Success Men should wear: Clothes that are wrinkle free and clean Neat and professional hairstyle Trim and/or cut facial hair Use a light amount of cologne to none
Dress for Success Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3
Dress for Success Women should wear: Tops or bottoms that are not “too” revealing or tight Clothes that are neat and wrinkle free Daytime makeup Low high heel shoes Light or no perfume Jewelry that doesn’t make too much noise or too big
Dress for Success Picture 1Picture 2 Picture 3
Tips for Success Dress appropriately. Make your first impression a professional one. Arrive 15 minutes early. Late attendance is never excusable. Turn off your cell phone when you enter the building. Conduct yourself professionally. Ask for the interview’s business card so you can write a thank you letter as soon as possible.