By: Bo Broadnax
What is involved with the work Chemists often work in teams with other chemists, chemical engineers, and chemical technicians. Chemists work for private companies in a variety of industries. They are employed in plants that make plastics, textiles, cosmetics, and chemicals. They work in fields such as petroleum refining, mining, food processing, and water and sewage treatment.
Where does the work take place? More than half of all chemists work in research and development. Some chemists are involved in basic research and try to gain knowledge about substances. They also study the ways these substances combine and react with each other. Basic research often leads to the development of new products. For example, research into the formation of larger molecules from the union of smaller ones led to the development of synthetic plastics. Other research chemists work on more practical or domestic problems. For instance, they may work to develop a fabric that will not burn, soil, or wrinkle easily. They must often perform many laboratory tests before they are able to create the desired product.
What are the working conditions Many chemists work in production and quality control. They may work with chemical engineers to develop exact instructions for mixing the ingredients needed to produce huge vats of paint in a paint factory. Chemists involved in quality control may supervise the testing of samples of this paint to make sure that it satisfies certain standards. There are several special fields of chemistry. Organic chemists specialize in compounds that contain the element carbon. These compounds include animal and vegetable matter, plastics, and other substances.
What is the size of the occupation. How many people are working in this field There are thousands of people working in this field.
What type of training is needed to enter this field To enter this field you will need a master’s or doctoral degree
What are the possibilities of moving to a higher position (being promoted). In this field you could stay at what job level you are or you could get promoted to a higher level. If you get promoted, then you will earn more income.
What can you expect to earn when you start? What can you expect to earn after 10 years? You can expect to earn around $56,060 when you start. After 10 years You can expect to earn about $560,000
What are the future prospects of the job? Is the field growing? The future employment prospects of this career are fair. You can get employed easily
How do you use writing and/or speaking skills in this field? Communicating with fellow chemists, communicating with the employer.