Analyze the ideas of CalvinismAnalyze the ideas of Calvinism Analyze the concept of PredestinationAnalyze the concept of Predestination Judge why Calvinism was so popular in Europe in the 1500sJudge why Calvinism was so popular in Europe in the 1500s
What kind of war is this? Who are the foes? Zwingli killed in battle in 1531
Calvin agrees with MLs main ideas… –Salvation? –Source of Religious Truth? –More religious power in whose hands? Why does he split? Is he similar or different than ML?
If you followed these 3 clues, you are the “elect”… –Open profession of faith (ML) –Live a “decent and godly life” What is that? Who determines it? –Participate in baptism and communion What could be the effects of Calvin telling Europeans this information?
WEALTH!!! In some ways, Calvin will create millions of hard workers that will adopt/create this economic theory later in history… –Capitalism
What kind of followers will be created? How will society look at Calvin’s religion? (think about historic Calvinist groups) What social (3) changes will be created? (2 nd notes)
How did JC get here? What was made here? (Eclipse) What did Geneva become?
Conservative: a person willing to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change. Revolutionary: a person working to create a revolution, or a sudden, complete, or marked change