6th Grade Pre-AP English Language Arts & World Cultures
If you have questions, please write them on sticky notes and place them on either of the Question Boards. We will answer all the questions in a newsletter, which will be sent home through students’ 1 st period classes. Questions?
Courtney ToddCheryl Anderson Suzanne Smith Sunny Bradshaw Ursala Burns (Co-Teach) Pre-AP ELA Cast of Characters
Warm-Up LAVA Reading/Writing Workshop Student Choice Reads Literature Circles TeenBiz Targeted Mini-Lessons Pre-AP close reading skills and terminology Grammar skills and terminology Writing skills and terminology Reflection
LAVA (Lovejoy Academic Vocabulary Advancement) Equipping students to decode unfamiliar vocabulary Greek and Latin stems (45 cumulative per semester) Vocabulary words (90 per semester) 3 quizzes and 1 test each grading period Grammar Mini-lessons for instruction Assessed through student writing TeenBiz On-line non-fiction current event articles with reading skills-based questions 3 per week minimum Differentiated
Whole Class Texts A Wrinkle in Time “The Jacket” The Prince and the Pauper (Drama) Tuck Everlasting The Wednesday Wars Poetry, Myths, Legends, Folk Tales, Short Stories Non-Fiction Student Choice Texts – multi-genre Writing Literary Analysis Personal Narrative Persuasive Expository Narrative Small Group Targeted Instruction
Homework will be assigned as needed. Homework assignments include the following: Completing TeenBiz Activities Revising/Editing of major writing assignments Reading student choice and whole class texts Practicing individual skills as needed Studying for quizzes and tests Grading Major grades (tests, projects, essays) 50% Minor grades (daily, quizzes, TeenBiz) 50%
Angie Carraway C407 Peter Preheim C100 Cyndi Anderson C606
Unit 1: - Thinking Like a Geographer Unit 2: - Cultural Diffusion (Foundations of Western Civilization) Unit 3 : - Cultural Relationships (Middle East) Unit 4 & 5: Cultures in Transition (Latin America & Africa) Unit 6: - Global Interactions (Asia & Europe) Unit 7: - Human Rights (Europe)
At times the world tour will require participation at home (homework) Please ensure that your tourist returns his or her work in a timely fashion based on the due date Note: Sometimes homework requires collaboration with other tourists Major grades (tests, projects, and essays) 50% Minor grades (quizzes, daily work, and participation) 50%
Mapping Explorations Museum Walks Public Service Announcement Projects Timeless Gifts Historical Essay Google Earth Tours South America Travel Agents Building a Nation Simulation Candy Bar Economics
Inspire Confidence Foster Participation Build Skills for Success Make Connections Across Disciplines Tackle the Challenge of Critical and Analytical Thinking