Center Greenhouse, Inc Liner/Plug Program Broker Presentation
Why Buy from Center Greenhouse…
Perennials Why Buy from Center…. Program Selections From the most popular and easy to grow, to a mixture of new and unique selection that will demand higher sales price per container. A mix of seed and vegetative varieties available in 288’s, 216’s, 128’s, 72’s and 72 vernalized. Achillea ‘Noblessa’ Physostegia ‘Crystal Peak white’
Herbs Why Buy from Center…. Program Selections As herbs continue to be a mainstay and popular item for gardeners, we offer a complete line of annual and perennial herb liners. A mix of seed and vegetative varieties available in 288’s, 216’s, 128’s, 72’s and 72 vernalized. Mentha gracilis ‘Ginger Mint’ Mentha x piperita ‘Chocolate Mint’
Trailers & Fillers Why Buy from Center…. Program Selections These selections are the best selling ‘must haves’ of both annual and perennial trailing varieties that will set your product apart from the competition. A mix of seed and vegetative varieties available in 288’s, 216’s, 128’s, 72’s and 72 vernalized. Lysimachia numm. ‘Goldilocks’Ipomoea ‘Bright Ideas Lime
Available Tray Sizes 72 tray (sold as72 ) Vegetative Program Perennials, Herbs, Trailers & Fillers. Larger size for quicker finish. Plant in Fall to overwinter for Spring sales. Plant in early Spring for Summer/Fall sales. Vernalized 72’s Available starting Jan. 14 th through end of March Why Buy from Center…..
128 Tray (sold as 125) Perennials, Herbs, Trailers & Fillers. Perfect for small to mid-sized containers. Quicker turns. Available Tray Sizes Why Buy from Center…..
216 Tray (sold as 210) Vegetative Program Over 90 Varieties. Perfect for smaller container sizes like a 2.5”, 4.5” and Quart Size. Upsize into larger trays for overwintering then transplant into larger container. Most economical size to purchase vegetative varieties. Freight Saver Size. More plants per case mean less shipping charges per plug resulting in higher savings. Vinca minor varieties are available as double stick. Available Tray Sizes Why Buy from Center…..
Deep 288 Tray (sold as 280) Seed Program Compliments the popular 216 vegetative line. Best input size for ever growing 2.5”, 4.5” and quart programs. Best pricing in the perennial program. Freight Saver Size. More plants per case mean less shipping charges per plug resulting in higher savings. Available Tray Sizes Why Buy from Center…..
Freight Savings Program Why Buy from Center….. It’s Simple! More Plants + More Economical Shipping = Greater PROFIT$ Vegetative 216 tray – Over 90 Varieties Available Seed Deep 288 tray – Compliments the 216 program Input sizes are perfect for ever growing 2.5”, 4.5” & Quart Programs Dianthus Star ‘Pop Star’ Sedum ‘Dragons Blood’ Lamium ‘Red Nancy’
Vinca minor 216 Program Why Buy from Center….. 6 Popular minor Varieties common ‘Green’ ‘Alba, Atropurpurea, ‘Bowles ‘Illumination, ‘Ralph Shugart’. Available as Single or Double input. Also Available in 72 & 125 tray
Vernalized Program Why Buy from Center….. 6 – 10 week cold treatment for varieties that require or benefit from this process for first year bloom. Available Mid January through end of March. Only $0.05 upcharge per plant. Speculative availability and Grow-to-Order Aquilegia McKana’s Giant Leucanthemum Alaska Euphorbia Tiny Tim
Why Buy from Center….. Ordering Assistance Catalog Complete Technical Information Full item descriptions & photos for all Grow-to-Order crop times Live Availability Online Ordering Cultural Guide Catalog Download Broker Listing Current Sales & Specials
Why Buy from Center….. Customer Discounts 10 % Early Shipping Discount Applied to ALL Plant Material Shipped Between June 1 st and December 31 st (booked anytime) Plus Volume Discounts Cumulative by Season Trays 3% off Vol Trays 6% off Vol Trays 9% off Vol Trays 14% off Vol. 1 Total Tray Counts Based on Any Mix of Size or Variety Any earned volume discounts are carried over to future season year.
Why Buy from Center….. Shipping Advantages Disposable Pallet shipping Available for orders of 70 trays or more resulting in substantial freight savings. Boxed Shipments Competetive FedEx Shipping Rates Nylon Netting Included On All Trays
Best Sellers and New Introductions So you Ask……. “What are Your Best Sellers?” & “What’s New?” Check out these Featured Varieties
Featured Varieties One of the hardiest Hyssops available, tolerates poor soils and high heat. Salmon pink blooms. Aromatic foliage. Agastache rupestris SUNSET HYSSOP™ Height: 20-24” Width: 8-15” Blooms: Summer. Sun: Full sun to partial shade. Hardiness: 5-10 Sizes: 128, 72
Featured Varieties This tough, mat forming perennial displays masses of chrome-yellow daisies on top of silvery lacy foliage. Anthemis marschalliana ‘Filigree Daisy’ 2012 Plant Select® Winner Height: 4”–10” Blooms: May to June Sun: Full sun Hardiness: zones 6-9 Sizes: 72, 128
Featured Varieties With superior garden performance and great flower power, the Swan series produce an abundance of large, spurred blooms. Aquilegia x hybrida ‘Swan’ Series Height: 20”-24” Width: 12”-14” Sun: Full Sun to Part Shade Hardiness: zone 3-9 Swan Red & White Swan White Swan Blue & White Sizes: 72, 72vln Also available: ‘Rememberance®’ Violet & White, and Burgundy & White
Featured Varieties Delosperma ‘P001S’ Fire Spinner™ Height: 1” – 2” Blooms: Spring Sun: Full sun to part shade Hardiness: zones 5-10 Sizes: 128, 72, 72vln ‘John Proffitt’ Table Mountain® Height: 2-3” Bloom : Spring to Fall Sun: Full sun to part shade. Zones: 4-9 Size: 128, 72 ‘’Psfave’ Lavender Ice®’ Height: 2-3” Bloom: Spring to Summer Sun: Full sun to part shade Zone: 4-9 Size: 128, 72
Featured Varieties Dianthus ‘Star’ Series Collection of long blooming, compact, heat tolerant Dianthus Blooms: Spring to Summer Sun: Full Sun Hardiness: Zone 4-9 Height: 7” Sizes: 216, 128, 72 All Plant Haven introductions from Whetman® Eastern Star Neon Star Fire Star Shooting Star
Featured Varieties Penstemon hybrida ‘Pretty Petticoat’ Height: 12” – 24” Width: 12” – 24” Blooms: Summer Sun: Full Sun Hardiness: zones 4-9 Full Spikes of rich purple tubular blooms with white throats. Easy to grow and drought tolerant. Sizes: 128, 72
Featured Varieties Echium amoenum Red Feathers Height: 10”-16” Width: 6”-8” Blooms: Late Spring to Fall Sun: Full sun to part shade. Hardiness: zones 3-9 Spikes of feathery, russet- red flowers on a basal tuft of dark green, linear leaves. Re-blooming will occur in summer and fall if deadheaded Plant Select Introduction Sizes: 128, 72
Featured Varieties Linum ‘narbonense’ Narbonne blue flax Height: 14” – 18” Width: 15” – 18” Blooms: Summer Sun: Full Sun. Hardiness: zones 4-8 Wide flaring flowers of iridescent violet blue flowers cover dense mounts of attractive, shrub-like foliage Sizes: 128, 72
Featured Varieties Osteospermum barberiae ‘Avalanche’ Height: 8”-12” Width: 10”-15” Blooms: Spring to Fall Sun: Full sun to part shade. Hardiness: zones 4-9 Dazzling white flowers with metallic backing over glistening mats of lustrous, evergreen foliage. Sizes: 128, 72
Featured Varieties Penstemon mensarum Grand Mesa Beardstongue Height: 24” – 30” Width: 10” – 15” Blooms: Spring to Summer Sun: Full sun to part shade Hardiness: zones 3-9 Stunning cobalt blue spikes last for nearly 2 months. Dense mat of evergreen rosettes turn roange-red in winter. Sizes: 128, 72
Don’t Miss out! Center Greenhouse offers monthly specials that you won’t want to miss. Visit us online, , or call and sign up to receive our newsletters. Center Greenhouse, Inc. has spent many hours trying to create only the best mix of plants for our customers. Each liner variety that makes it into our program has been trialed not only through propagation, but also through our finished program. This is why we are confident that our product offering will help you grow your business as it has ours.