Backyard Water Gardens Wyandotte County Kansas State Research & Extension
Backyard Water Gardens Courthouse Annex Water Garden
Backyard Water Gardens Water gardens may have a functional purpose – contour a slope Water gardens may have a functional purpose – contour a slope Water gardens add aesthetic value Water gardens add aesthetic value Water features add a delightful and soothing dimension to the environment Water features add a delightful and soothing dimension to the environment
Design Decisions
Backyard Water Gardens They can add aesthetic value. If so, they need to be located near a patio or deck area where people can relax and enjoy the tranquil setting
Backyard Water Gardens They can be “lived” with and hidden away to be enjoyed privately
Backyard Water Gardens They can be used to contour a steep slope
Backyard Water Gardens Which style to build?
Backyard Water Gardens Considerations: Location Location Barriers and fencing Barriers and fencing City ordinances City ordinances Home owner insurance policy Home owner insurance policy Pond depth Pond depth Electrical Electrical
Backyard Water Gardens Site Selection: 5-6 hours of direct sun a day – water lilies & other aquatic species to produce blooms 5-6 hours of direct sun a day – water lilies & other aquatic species to produce blooms Proximity to electricity and water sources Proximity to electricity and water sources Safety – access to children Safety – access to children Avoid: - steep slopes - low spots and run-off water - trees roots and leaves (pine needles, oak and maple leaves are toxic to fish Avoid: - steep slopes - low spots and run-off water - trees roots and leaves (pine needles, oak and maple leaves are toxic to fish
Backyard Water Gardens Size & Depth Deep water area (24-30”) – over-winter plants and fish - keeps pond cooler in summer Deep water area (24-30”) – over-winter plants and fish - keeps pond cooler in summer Marginal shelf (12-15”) - plants requiring shallower water Marginal shelf (12-15”) - plants requiring shallower water Lotus shelf (18”) Lotus shelf (18”) Type of fish influence depth – goldfish are not Koi (Koi get 20” and larger and require deep ponds – up to 4’) Type of fish influence depth – goldfish are not Koi (Koi get 20” and larger and require deep ponds – up to 4’)
Backyard Water Gardens Construction Basics
Backyard Water Gardens Construction Materials: Construction Materials: تConcrete تEPDM (Pond Guard TM) تFlexible PVC – 20 mil = 10 yrs ت Wooden or plastic half barrel ت Preformed plastic/fiberglass - $$$ XSwimming pool liners – algicide inhibitor XRoofing materials
Backyard Water Gardens Pumps & Filters
Backyard Water Gardens Pumps & Filters Recirculating and filtering water - not always necessary - for fountains, waterfalls or streams - to reduce algae, waste & decaying debris Recirculating and filtering water - not always necessary - for fountains, waterfalls or streams - to reduce algae, waste & decaying debris To choose the right pump, determine the ideal flow rate Rule of Thumb: water should be turned between ½ -1 times per hour (500 gal pond should have at least a 500 gal/hr pump) To choose the right pump, determine the ideal flow rate Rule of Thumb: water should be turned between ½ -1 times per hour (500 gal pond should have at least a 500 gal/hr pump)
Backyard Water Gardens Waterfalls & Features
Backyard Water Gardens Waterfalls & Features Provide a focal point in addition to adding beauty Provide a focal point in addition to adding beauty Wide range of shapes, colors, sizes and price ranges Wide range of shapes, colors, sizes and price ranges Waterfalls – created by building a slope using excess soil, liner material & rocks to create a stream that is recycled with a submergible pump Waterfalls – created by building a slope using excess soil, liner material & rocks to create a stream that is recycled with a submergible pump
Backyard Water Gardens Plant Materials
Backyard Water Gardens Plant Materials Deep water plants Deep water plants Marginal plants Marginal plants Submerged plants or oxygenators Submerged plants or oxygenators Floating plants Floating plants
Backyard Water Gardens Deep water plants Include: hardy water lilies (Nymphaea spp.) and lotus (Nelumbo spp.) Include: hardy water lilies (Nymphaea spp.) and lotus (Nelumbo spp.) Marginal or Bog plants Include: dwarf cattails (Typha minima), dwarf papyrus (Cyperus profiler), arrowheads (sagittaria spp) Include: dwarf cattails (Typha minima), dwarf papyrus (Cyperus profiler), arrowheads (sagittaria spp) Live at the pond’s edge Live at the pond’s edge Provide cover, habitat, and oxygen Provide cover, habitat, and oxygen
Backyard Water Gardens Submerged plants or oxygenators Include: fanwort (Cabomba caroliniana), water milfoil (Myriophyllum heterophllum), bladderworts (Utricularia spp) Include: fanwort (Cabomba caroliniana), water milfoil (Myriophyllum heterophllum), bladderworts (Utricularia spp) Plants live entirely or mostly underwater, help remove excess nutrients, supply oxygen for fish, and to control algae growth Plants live entirely or mostly underwater, help remove excess nutrients, supply oxygen for fish, and to control algae growth
Backyard Water Gardens Floating plants Include: duckweed (Lemna spp), fragrant water lily (Nymphaea odorata), frogbit (Limnobium spongia), water fern (Azolla mexicana) Include: duckweed (Lemna spp), fragrant water lily (Nymphaea odorata), frogbit (Limnobium spongia), water fern (Azolla mexicana) Plants float free on the surface of the water Plants float free on the surface of the water Plants help prevent algae growth by shading out the sun; should cover 60-75% of the water surface Plants help prevent algae growth by shading out the sun; should cover 60-75% of the water surface
Backyard Water Gardens The basis of a water garden is a hole in the ground with a material to hold the water, a pump to circulate the water, a filter to aid in keeping it clean and clear. Then add a few basic aquatic plants to balance the pond’s eco-system. The basis of a water garden is a hole in the ground with a material to hold the water, a pump to circulate the water, a filter to aid in keeping it clean and clear. Then add a few basic aquatic plants to balance the pond’s eco-system.
Backyard Water Gardens Water Garden Society of Greater Kansas City Water Garden Society of Greater Kansas City