May 2011
Personnel World Objectives: Business Branding – New owner wants to reach potential customers with high skill- level positions to fill Continue to reach jobseekers using products: Job Postings and Resume Database Capitalize on the fact the business has been locally owned and headquartered in Lansing, MI for over 30 years
Now introducing Yahoo!
Portals 1.Yahoo! Sites 2.Microsoft Sites 3.FACEBOOK.COM Y! UV: 177,538 Sports 1.Yahoo! Sports 2.ESPN Y! UV: 45,822 TV 1.Yahoo! TV 2.CBS Entertainment 3.AOL Television Y! UV: 20,887 Travel 1.TravelAdNetwork 2.Yahoo! Travel 3.Tripadvisor Sites Y! UV: 10,351 Home Pages 1.Google HP 2.Facebook HP 3.Yahoo! HP Y! UV: 105,357 Finance 1.Yahoo! Finance 2.MANTA.COM 3.Dow Jones & Co. Y! UV: 38,787 Photos Photos LLC 3.Flickr Y! UV: 20,228 Automotive 1.eBay Motors U.S. 2.Yahoo! Autos 3.SIM AutoDigital Y! UV: 9,694 Search 1.Google Search 2.Yahoo! Search 3.Bing Y! UV: 96,439 Movies 1.Yahoo! Movies 2.IMDb 3.Moviefone Y! UV: 27,147 Real Estate 1.Yahoo! Real Estate 2.Move Network 3.Trulia Network Y! UV: 20,160 Groups 1.Facebook Groups 2.Yahoo! Groups 3.NING.COM Y! UV: 5, Yahoo! Mail 2.Google Gmail 3.Win. Live Hotmail Y! UV: 90,187 Lifestyle 1.Glam Media 2.iVillage 3.Shine Y! UV: 27,015 IM 1.Yahoo! Messenger 2.MSN Msngr 3.AIM.COM/AIM App Y! UV: 18,035 Green 1.Shine Green 2.Planet Green Sites 3.CARE2.COM Y! UV: 3,064 News 1.Yahoo! News Network 2.CNN Network 3.MSNBC Y! UV: 85,105 Entertainment-News 1.omg! 2.TMZ 3.People Y! UV: 23,683 Local 1.YELP.COM 2.CityGrid Media 3.Yahoo! Local Network Y! UV: 17,139 Hispanic 1.UNIVISION.COM 2.Terra - Telefonica 3.Yahoo! en Espanol Y! UV: 2,180 Reference 1.Wikimedia 2.eHow 3.Yahoo! Answers Y! UV: 59,096 Shopping 1.Yahoo! Shopping Sites Sites Y! UV: 22,186 My (Custom) 1.My Yahoo! 2.iGoogle 3.My MSN Y! UV: 13,380 Source: comScore, Media Metrix, February 2011, Base: P2+ U.S. data, Note: Homepages is not a traditional category in comScore’s service. Monthly figures unless otherwise indicated, Note: Rankings are based on unified data (hybrid) Yahoo! Monthly Unique Visitors (000) Noted in Yellow Yahoo! is a leader: ranked in top 3 in 23 key categories
Yahoo! Is a Life Engine: Search + Content Search Marketing plus Display Advertising
Job Branding Stats: 20%+ lift in EOI Ability to tell your story EOI focused on your brand Without Branding Vs Branding
file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/twahl/Desktop/LJ-SPAD110516_ htmlDocuments%20and%20Settings/twahl/Desktop/LJ-SPAD110516_ html file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/twahl/Desktop/LJSPAD110517_ htmlDocuments%20and%20Settings/twahl/Desktop/LJSPAD110517_ html
Option A: 250 Classified print liner ads (8 line minimum) (24) 30-day job postings (2 per month) Investment: $1,207 per month Option B: 250 Classified print liner ads (12) 30-day job postings (1 per month) 600,000 digital impressions – (50,000 / month) 1,200,000 digital impression – (100,000 / month) Investment: $1,332 per month Option C: 250 Classified print liner ads (12) 30-day job postings (1 per month) Resume Database (1,500 resume saves / month) 600,000 digital impressions – (50,000 / month) Investment: $1,452 per month Option D: 250 Classified print liner ads (12) 30-day job postings (1 per month) Resume Database (1,500 resume saves / month) 600,000 digital impressions – (50,000 / month) 1,200,000 digital impression – (100,000 / month) Investment: $1,832 per month Training Available Learn Job Posting Optimization, Resume Data Base, Candidate Controls, Screeners, Folders, & Letters, and more! 1.1 – on – 1 Phone / Website Training with your Account Manager in Atlanta. Webinars: Beginner and Advanced training offered weekly on 3.On Demand: Tutorials available when YOU are available. 4.Me! I am available for in-person training when questions come up. Tiffany Wahl Recruitment Advertising Account Executive 517/ or