Settlement over time By Kitae Kim
What is the settlement The settlement is where people live in places. It can be as small village or large city. Many settlements in Britain began. There are market town, industrial town, port, holiday resort.
Seoul (The capital city of South of Korea)
1900 of Seoul settlement This slide show Korea of Seoul in 1900. In this picture, this settlement pattern is linear. Because, there was road between the houses. That looks like a kind of market town. And There were mountains surround the market town, farm and rise paddy.
1950 0f Seoul settlement This is slide show Korea of Seoul in 1950. In this picture, that looks like nucleated. Because the each house is near other house. That looks like a kind of resort.
2000 of Seoul settlement This slide show more developed than before Korea of Seoul. This picture looks like nucleated. In Seoul CBD also there are lot offices in CBD.
1950~2000 Seoul settlement In each Seoul settlement, that settlement pattern change each 50 years. Because during 50 year, they developed.
The capital city of China Beijing The capital city of China
1900 of Beijing settlement This frame show the Beijing of in1900 settlement. Look at this picture, the town is liner. There were load between the houses, and shop. I think this picture looks like a market town.
1950 of Beijing settlement This slide show 1950 of Beijing settlement. This is also liner. That looks like kind of market town.
2000 of Beijing settlement This is 2000 of Beijing settlement. The picture show this city is nucleated. That could call also CBD. Because there are lot of office.... That city is maybe industrial town.
1900~2000 Beijing settlement The 1900, 1950 is liner. And The 2000 is nucleated. The liner, and advantage is they can shopping easier than dispered settlement. And the weakness is sound like mess in town or city.
Paris The capital city of France
1900 of Paris settlement This frame show the 1900 of Paris settlement. The town is liner. There is the Eiffel tower between the many houses. I think this is market town.
1950 of Paris settlement This slide show 1950 of Paris settlement. This settlement is nucleated. And looks like a industrial town.
2000 of Paris settlement This frame is showing about 2000 of Paris settlement. This looks like liner or inner city. And this is industrial town of Paris.
Conclusion There are lot of settlement in each city and country. In 1900, 1950, 2000.
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