Copper Bottom Paints – A Rational Approach for Marina del Rey Greg Schem, CEO Victor Espino, Service Manager Harbor Real Estate Group, LLC April 24, 2014
Bio-fouling over the Years Techniques of using copper and pitch date back to 1500 BC by Carthaginians and Phoenicians Royal Navy adds copper to fleet beginning 1770 “Copper-Bottomed”: dependable, trustworthy Iron Hulled Ships, electrolysis issues Strong Biocides: TBT, Lead, Arsenic New Biocides: Non-Copper vs Biocide Free Confusion Econea, Zinc, Soft bottoms, ultrasound, nanotechnology
Copper Bottom
Bio-Fouling Organisms
California Regional Water Quality Control Board (“RWQCB”) 2006: Portion of MDR is Designated as an “Impaired Waterway” 2014: Reconsideration Meeting, All of MDR designated Impaired along with Sediment Copper, Lead, Zinc, Chlordane, DDT, BCB’s, etc. Problem for: Water Contact, Shellfish Harvesting, Commercial and Sportfishing, Wildlife Habitat, Marine, Habitat. 10 years to Reduce Copper by 85% Potentially Dredge Entire Marina One Foot Deep: 1.7 million cubic feet Push to Non-Biocide Paints AB 425: Leech rates and reformulation recommendations. Stripping Bottoms to accommodate Non-biocide Paints BMP’s for Divers Economic Analysis by RWQCB
Stripping Bottoms Copper Bottom Stripping Copper Waste
Bottom Paints Basics Biocide Paints: Copper Other metals Other biocides (Econea, Irgarol, snake oil) Non-Biocide Paints: Hard bottom Soft bottom silicates (Intersleek) Slip liners
Slip Liners Only relocates bio-fouling to the bottom of the liner which will become very heavy and difficult to haul and clean. Also, pesticides used in the liner can be released into the environment and liners are primarily for smaller vessels.
How do Copper Bottom Paints Work? Cu+ and Cu+2 ion Self Polishing or Ablative action Bio-Availability and Toxicity Total Copper vs Biotic Ligand Model (“BLM”) Biocide of Choice? Kills most invasive species CA Department of Pesticide Regulation (“DPR”)
Paints Currently In Use at The BoatYard Product Name Paint Type Require Stripping Biocide Concentration of Biocide Cleaning Frequency Estimated Life (Months) Approx. Retail Cost/gal ProtectorStd. CopperNoCuprous Oxide53.3%monthly18-36$219 Trinidad ProStd. CopperNoCuprous Oxide/Irgarol60%/2%monthly18-36$286 HydrocoatLow CopperNo Cuprous Oxide (water based) 40.3%monthly18-36$184 Ultima SR 40Low CopperNoCuprous Oxide/Irgarol40%/2%monthly18-36$231 Ultima ECOAlt. BiocideYesEconea/Zinc Omadine 6%/4.8 % 3 weeks10-12$258 VividLow CopperNo Copper Thyocianate/Zinc Omadine 25%/2%3 weeks12-24$263 Hydrocoat SRLow CopperNo Cuprous Oxide (water based) 40%monthly12-36$223 Hydrocoat EcoAlt. BiocideNoEconea/Zinc Omadine 6%/4.8 % 3 weeks10-12$240 Vivid FreeAlt. MetalYesZinc Omadine4.95%3 weeks12-12$273 HorizonsLow CopperNoCuprous Oxide40.5%monthly18-36$205
Hydrocoat SR on Hatteras
Issues with Non-Biocide Paints Increased expense to strip bottom ($8,000 avg) Increased cost of paint Silicate paints are soft and easily damaged Will not last as long as biocide paints No manufacturer warranty and release required for Hydrosleek by Interlux Potential increase in transport of invasive species Require more frequent and more extensive periodic cleaning
Intersleek 900 by Interlux
Three Legs of a Stool In order for any copper reduction plan to work it must have three solid legs: Effective Alternatives: Alterntives must be proven to work in the real world and backed up by strong manufacturer warranty Boater Buy-In: Boaters must believe this is the right thing to do and in their best interest for the benefit of the environment Cost Effective: The alternative must be cost effective and readily avaialable.
Implementation Issues Designating the County, the Lessees, and Boat Owners as Potentially responsible Parties (“PRP’s”), Citizen Law Suits under CWA Enforcement Challenges: Transients, work done at other harbors Selective Enforcement: MDR Only?! Grants: Sounds good, but…. Training Divers
A Reasonable Approach 1 st : Site specific conditions and the adoption of the BLM 2 nd : Analysis of real world impacts on bio-availability, and benthic study of indicator species 3 rd : Remove or reduce Impaired Waterway designation for marinas. Parking lot for boats analogy. 4 th : Cost Benefit Analysis of copper risk vs carbon foot print of dredging 5 th : Combination of low copper paints, alternative biocides, and reduction in over-protective threshold can achieve compliance.
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