Awards LPD
Who gets what award? Awards are earned – Like Math (Effort + Accomplishments divided by Position=Award) – Baseline for position/type of award Awards are semi-automatic Awards need to be REALISTIC
Who gets what award? RetireBadMiddle of RoadGoodGreat E-5/6AAMARCOMARCOM/MSMMSM E-7/8 (not 1SG)ARCOMARCOM/MSMMSMLOM 1SGARCOM/MSMMSMLOM
But Captain… “My Soldier is Really Good” – Be a leader! Manage expectations and be realistic. Do not lead a Soldier on. “My Soldier is Really Bad” – Is he so bad he does not deserve any award, or are you just lazy? “Why are you so mean?” – Because it is the right thing to do. And its fun.
What does wrong look like? While assigned to XXX, SPC Matthews level of expertise and knowledge helped in creating the Battalion Service and Recovery Section. His dedication to every mission and selfless-service made this transition a success and set the standard for one of the only fully functional welding shops on Fort X. While assigned to the Battalion Service and Recovery Section, SPC Matthews ensured that there were zero safety incidents within his section. Fluff – High praise without quantifying how or why Dedication, Selfless service, set the standard, level of expertise and knowledge Subject confusion – Two completely different ideas Functional welding shop Safety Quantification – Zero Safety Incidents? How? Was he responsible? Was he not responsible, but made himself so? – Uncracked eggs does not mean that there is not a skillet
What does Right look like? As the XSSA's Storage Section NCOIC, SGT Minor was responsible for the accountability of all Authorized Stockage Listing (ASL) valued over $26,000,000. He created new systems to ensure proper accountability and speed of processing, resulting in a combined 97% accuracy rate on all 10%, 50%, and 100% inventories of sensitive and non- sensitive items, exceeding the Army standard of 90%. This allowed for a overall decrease in Customer Wait Time and an increase in the Battalions operation readiness rate. What Does the person do? – X SSA Storage NCOIC What are they responsible for? – ASL valued at ~ $26 mil (always say over) Why are they different? – Created New System/process, it worked well What did it result in? – Accuracy rate being high Was their a secondary effect? – CWT down, OR Rate Up
Bullet Comparison SPC Matthews designed and fabricated over 300 specialty items for every occasion when called upon. Always striving for excellence, he never quit and only settled for the highest quality in his work. SPC Matthews' work spoke for itself with a zero percent return rate. In addition to this, 100 percent of Matthews' work was performed with little or no guidance, proving that SPC Matthews can fabricate an order from design to fabrication very efficiently. SPC Matthews processed and completed over 300 special fabrications and repairs with minimal oversight while assigned to the Welding and Recovery Shop. His projects included both modifications to existing parts and assemblies as well as completely new fabrications and alterations, with zero return rate on his products. This resulted in thousands of dollars in savings and increase in the operational readiness of the 4-5 AMD BN Fleet.
Bullet Comparison Working with a limited budget, SPC Matthews has refurbished and fabricated over 50 vehicle parts that has resulted in minimum vehicle down time. Because of his efficient work, the rest of the Battalion was able to complete their mission in a timely manner. While performing his duties, SPC Matthews ensured that the shop was always a safe, clean, working environment. He stayed proactive in maintaining and ordering all shop supplies so that we stayed 100 percent mission ready at all times. SPC Matthews spearheaded a project to rebuild and recover over 50 parts and assemblies that would normally not be recoverable. He was able to, with a constrained shop stock, limited tools and a modest budget, return these items to the motor pools for reuse instead of reorder. This resulted in savings of thousands of dollars of parts and assemblies.
Bullet Comparison As a Machinist, SPC Matthews worked constantly to prefect his craft by cross-training as a welder. This allowed him to become a much bigger asset to the section. During Operation Watchcap, SPC Matthews helped to design and fabricate seven clearing barrels to support Battalion operations. Without SPC Matthews keen artistic oversight and technical skills, this mission could not have been executed in such a timely manner. The clearing barrels that he provided allowed for zero safety incidents during Operation Watchcap. During OPERATION WATCH CAP, SPC Matthews took it upon himself to cross train to support Battalion needs. Working outside his MOS, he welded several clearing barrels for all of the units in the Battalion. This allowed the Batteries to not only practice safe weapons procedures at gates and structures, but to further emulate a deployed environment, resulting in more realistic training.
Bullet Comparison While assigned to X SPC Matthews level of expertise and knowledge helped in creating the Battalion Service and Recovery Section. His dedication to every mission and selfless-service made this transition a success and set the standard for one of the only fully functional welding shops on Fort Hood. While assigned to the Battalion Service and Recovery Section, SPC Matthews ensured that there were zero safety incidents within his section. Not responsible individual for this action, therefore cannot be credited with it.
How Many Bullets per Award? AAM – 1 Strong Bullet, 1 Ok Bullet ARCOM – 2 Strong Bullets and 2 Ok Bullets – 3 Strong Bullets MSM – 4 Strong Bullets
What is the Submission Standard? Company COA – 10 Days prior to SM Starting Leave BN COA/AAM – 30 Days Prior to SM Starting Leave ARCOM – 90 Days Prior to SM Starting Leave LOM – 120 Days Prior to SM Starting Leave Impact Award – W/I 30 days of Action DO NOT USE PCS/ETS DATE! Awards Must Include: DA 638 filled out with all admin data and routing information Copy of last PT Test Copy of ERB/ORB Copy of Orders (If Applicable) Letter of lateness with CDR’s signature block and GOOD EXCUSE, not a one liner